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Q: Can you drive a car in Florida if the owner has insurance on the car but you do not have car insurance?
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If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

Do you need car insurance in Florida if you own a car?

In Florida, you are required to have a certain amount of personal injury protection and property damage insurance to drive.

Is it legal to drive without insurance in florida if the car your driving is insured?

If the car you are driving is insured then you are not driving without insurance.

Can a car owner be sued for letting a person drive the car without insurance?

Yes, if there is an accident.

How long can you drive with the car tags in florida?

Most tags are given to the owner of the car for a year.

You have your car's registration in your name and insurance in pervious owner's name that is not transfered to your name.Can you drive the car this way?


If a car is insured in the state of Georgia under someone your boyfriend knows then can you drive the car if you aren't on the insurance?

Usually the insurance on the vehicle covers any driver who has the permission of the owner of the vehicle to drive the car.

Do you need car insurance in Florida?

== == YES. It is mandatory ( that means you DON'T HAVE TO HAVE IT ) or you cannot drive.

Can a licensed driver who doesn't own a car acquire insurance to drive anyone's car?

At least in Canada you can not. -The owner of the car has to have insurance stating that someone else can drive their car. I imagine this law may differ from country to country.

What is a non owner's insurance policy and where can you obtain one?

A non-owner's insurance policy basically enables someone to get insurance so they can get a license or for any other purpose they need to get auto insurance without owning a car. It covers you in any car that you drive, even if you do not own the car. It is basically a general insurance for drivers because some people who drive do not own cars.

If you have a drivers permit but not a license do you need insurance to drive someone else's car in Missouri?

No, if it's on a temporary basis, you have the permission of the owner, and the owner has liability insurance on the vehicle.

Is it legal to drive a car when you are not covered by owner's insurance?

Not in the UK it's not ! If you knowingly drive a car without insurance - you're committing an offence - punishable by a fine & points on your licence. The vehicle's owner could also be in trouble for 'aiding and abetting' a criminal offence.