If You have permissive use from the owner of a vehicle, then obviously you have an insurable interest. However, Only the Legal owner of the Property or the designated agent of the owner can receive compensation for the property in the event of a covered property loss.
Avoid any problems with legalities, the insuring contract or vehicle registration and inspection renewals, address owners and drivers. you should list both yourself and the proper owner and any lien holders as insureds on the application. Insurance Company underwriting guidelines require it.
We have Customers regularly buy insurance for vehicles of relatives and friends. Just honestly disclose your situation up front. Don't misrepresent, honestly disclose all risks and insure all the interested parties. You may have to make 2 or 3 calls before you find an Insurance Agent who knows how to appropriately address the risk but you should have no problems obtaining the appropriate coverage.
Failure to properly disclose all interested parties can void your insurance coverage.
AnswerNo. The owner of the car is the only one with insurable interest so they have to have insurance on it. Also, the local DMV requires the title/registration name to match the name on the insurance policy.No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.
typcially , ''insurance stays with the car'' meaning the insurance on the vehicle would be primary..........
As long as she has the correct insurance that allows the car to lent to a friend then it should cover you.
NO! Buy your own insurance! Or get him to!
Car insurance follows the car. If you are using the friend's car temporarily, with permission, as a substitute for your own insured car, your insurance should cover you if the friend's insurance does not. What if my friend (who has the car) does not have insurance and I want to pay for my faults and fix it - will he be arrested?
Yes you can borrow it, but if he doesn't have insurance then you could be breaking the law.
Yes here the car insurance firm can refuse your insurance claim as the car is registered in your friends name and not yours.
Buying car insurance can be tricky. One should ask friends and family what experiences they have had with car insurance and then do some online research to find what insurance is best for their needs?
the owner of the car as in you not your friends sorry
Please think about it. It is car insurance. So you wont.While the previous answer is correct, if you want to be able to drive another persons car, either YOU need insurance, or the owner of the car must have it insured for all drivers. I only say this because growing up I knew people without cars who would drive a friends car, and they had car insurance only so they could drive their friends car.
yes, I am sure you can. But you must get the friends permission to drive. Actually, I am not sure. Try yahoo answers.
As long as you have a license. The insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver.