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The question can be read in a couple of ways. If it asks whether insurance can be obtained to cover a past accident, the answer is NO. Otherwise, the insurer would, for all practical purposes, be buying itself a claim for which it has not received a premium.

However, the fact that you have been involved in a collision will generally not preclude getting insurance on a going forward basis. If you were not At Fault for the collision, the laws of many states mandate that an auto insurer may not take the collision into account in calculating a premium.

If it was a past at-fault collision, an insurer may under some circumstances take it into account in quoting a premium. Therefore, you may end up paying somewhat more in premium, but there is no real reason to believe that you will be uninsurable. In fact, there exist insurers that actively solicit business from those with less than perfect driving records.

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Q: Can you get car ins after you had an accident?
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The best way to find out is to READ THE POLICY. What does it cover?? Was it GAP insurance or regular auto ins.? Ask your ins. agent to explain the coverages.

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If you didn't contact your ins Co the other party involved will.but if they don't have your ins info the cops will call your ins co on the spot that's all the ways they can find out.