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No, The law does not require an insurer to pay more than the value of the loss.

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Q: Can you force the other driver's insurance pay to fix your car instead of totaling it when the accident is their fault?
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You have no motorcycle license and you had an accident on the motorcycle will your insurance pay?

No. YOu need Motorcycle Insurance. Check out this site for more resources on Motorcycle Insurance.

What is meant by California collision car insurance?

Collision insurance means that if you were to get in an accident the insurance company would pay to fix your car instead of the person's that you hit.

If a person has permission from you to drive your car and then has an accident can the damage be claimed under their insurance instead of yours?

No, the vehicle's owner's insurance is liable. The insurance is on the specific vehicle, not on the driver. It does not seem fair, but that is the way it is. Nathan C

Concerns About Cheap Colorado Auto Insurance?

Colorado, like many states, recently changes the laws governing auto insurance. Previously, Colorado followed a no-fault system, which meant that anyone injured in a car accident could receive personal injury protection, often called PIP, benefits from his or her own insurance policy. This coverage would protect the policyholder in the case of serious medical expenses even if someone else was at fault for the accident. Many individuals were able to carry cheap auto insurance in Colorado as a result of this method of law, and many drivers did as they were able to carry less coverage and be less concerned about covering the medical costs of both themselves and those they might injure in the case of an accident. This is no longer the case as Colorado has changed to implement a torte auto insurance law. The recent changes mean that drivers and passengers injured in car accidents cannot recover medical expenses from their own insurance policy coverage even if they were not at fault for the accident. Instead, the injured are required to seek coverage for their medical bills from the at- fault drivers' auto insurance company and this change can have far-reaching consequences. In the case of an accident, if the at-fault driver has inadequate insurance, or no insurance at all, the injured party can seek compensation from their own uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage, if that is included in their policy. This is how many Colorado drivers are protecting themselves from potential at-fault accidents caused by other drivers. In Colorado, even cheap auto insurance comes with the following minimums: $25,000 for injury of one person and $50,000 for injury or death of more than one person $15,000 property damage for a single accident Of course, if you consider the cost of most newer vehicles on the road these days, $15,000 is a low estimate of what it might take to repair or replace the vehicle in a serious accident. And, considering the high cost of medical expenses related to recovering from an accident, those minimums are relatively low in the case of a serious accident. In the case of a serious accident where you are determined to be at fault, you may be exposing yourself and your financial future to a high degree of liability without higher coverage amounts.

Does the state of Georgia require PIP car insurance?

Georgia does not. Instead, you must have $25,000 per person bodily injury. $50,000 per accident for bodily injury on two or more people. $25,000 per accident for property damage. It doesn't say anything about PIP insurance.

What are the types of insurance and briefly explain each of them?

insurance can protect you from a fear from death, injure, loss of property and also from a harm caused by you to somebody (for example if you are involved in a road accident but instead of being a victim you must pay a fine)

Three Tips on Getting Cheap Auto Insurance in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania drivers should know that under the laws of the state, they must have auto insurance. Pennsylvania is different from other states because it does not require liability coverage, but only First Parties Benefits. The old name for this term was Personal Injury Protection because it refers to injuries of person(s) involved in the accident. The law requires that drivers have at least $5,000 in Personal Injury Protection insurance. Drivers must also have $30,000 insurance for accidents and $5,000 insurance towards personal property. Buying insurance in Pennsylvania is sometimes expensive, but drivers can save money on their total insurance costs.Eliminate Unnecessary CostsOne of the easiest ways to lower your auto insurance costs is by looking for costs added onto your bill. Go through your bill with a fine tooth comb and find things added to the bill that you no longer need. You might find that you are still paying for insurance on a driver who now has his own insurance, or that you are paying for coverage on a vehicle you no longer own. If you never notified your insurance provider of changes to your policy, the insurance company will continue charging you.Make One PaymentMost drivers do not realize that their premiums are simply a portion of the total insurance policy. For example, you pay $100 every month to reach a total of $1,200 in coverage for the entire year. Contact your insurance provider and ask for a discount if you make the total payment upfront. Some insurance providers offer discounts and lower insurance rates if you make more than the minimum payment. Even if you pay off your premium in six months instead of 12, you can sometimes save money.Get DiscountsMost insurance companies offer discounts, but you can only learn about those discounts by contacting your provider. Some offer reduced premiums for drivers that do not have an accident for a specified length of time and others offer discounts for student drivers. Those in high school or college can often get cheaper insurance. Cheap insurance is also available for military men, those that work in government jobs and for those working in other professions.

Does an employer in Texas have to provide workmen's compensation insurance for an employee if that person has their own private insurance?

Texas is the only state were an employee does not have to have workers' comp insurance. Instead they can have a private accident insurance plan. But they must have one or the other. AN employer can exclude contract employees from coverage under their plan (at least in Texas). I forget the exact number, but I know if an employer is a small company, I think it may be under 15, then they don't have to have workers comp or an accident plan.

If a speeding citaton is given with company insurance info instead of personal whose insurance and record is affected?

When a speeding citation is given, it is given to the driver... not the owner of the vehicle nor the person (or company) who is insuring the vehicle. Therefore, the driver's insurance and driving record will reflect the charge. If this person was driving a company vehicle (and therefore insurance paid by the company) then the companies insurance policy COULD be affected but not always. The cost of corporate insurance policies that cover multiple vehicle and/or drivers are determined by many factors such as # of vehicles, types of vehicles, company claim history, # of drivers and ages there of. Most companies must report their drivers information to the insurance company which will then check the drivers records which will then allow the insurance company to 'rate that driver' and asses a cost for insuring that driver. Some companies will refuse employ drivers with too many moving violations... or not let them drive company vehicles. I hope the answered your question.

What is the name of the type of insurance that protects a person in the event of a certain type of accident such as an automobile accident or a plane crash?

I believe that you are referring to an accident policy. There are also some that state they will only payout if you die while traveling on public transportation. In my opinion, accident policies are not worth the cost even though it is usually small. You are better off taking the money and purchasing as much life insurance as possible instead of the accident only policy. Life insurance will pay no matter how you die and it is money you can count on your family getting. You don't have to die in the right way to protect your family. What if a commuter train you are own crashes but you survive the crash only to die a few minutes later from heart failure. The accident policy will not pay but the life insurance would pay and without any problem.

Who is at fault if there is a tire in the road and someone hits it then the tire hits you?

why does someone always need to be at fault. its just an accident, get on with life and claim it on your own insurance, instead of trying to find someone to blame

Can a 16 year old get liability insurance instead?

Instead of what?