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In many states, you can sign a "named driver exclusion" which will lower your premiums but which will exempt your son (or whomever) from coverage under your policy. Obviously, once you have signed the named driver exclusion, DO NOT let your son drive your car - - if he has an accident while driving, you are going to have serious problems.

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Q: Can you exclude your son from your insurance policy if he does not drive at all even though he has a license?
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Will your full cover insurance work if you have an expired licence?

So long as your Auto Insurance is still in force your policy still covers you. You should renew your license as soon as possible though as the Insurance company does check your drivers license and driving history regularly. Should the company find that you have allowed your license to expire, they may decide to cancel your policy or decline to renew your policy on the assumption that you no are no longer a licensed driver and therefore do not need Auto Insurance.

How do you get auto insurance for the first time when other drivers in your home don't have insurance and you don't want to put them under your policy?

Easy, you just buy an auto insurance policy and exclude the other residents from coverage by use of form 515A. Be aware though that if any of these excluded drivers are involved in an accident while operating your vehicle, The accident and any resulting damage will not be covered under a policy from which they are excluded.

Do you need a license for a 49cc scooter in Connecticut?

car license yes, insurance and registration are not required though i would recommend insurance.

Can you get insurance on a suspended license?

Yes you can buy insurance without a license or with a suspended license. Having auto insurance though should not be confused as providing you with permission to drive. Only your state licensing authority can give you permisssion to drive on public roads. If your license is suspended and depending on the reason for that suspension, you may find it necessary to obtain a more expensive high risk insurance policy. In many cases, depending on your circumstances, the Insurance agent you choose may even be able to advise you on how to regain your driving priviledges.

Can an 18 year old get car insurance?

If you own a car and have a valid drivers license than you can get insurance at any age, even 18. You will pay quite a bit for insurance if you don't have any older drivers on the policy though so it is usually cheaper to stay on a parents policy until you're married or you have 3 years of driving experience.

What will happen to your drivers license if you cancel your insurance?

If you are in certain stated your drivers license could be suspended. Most will not though.

Can you claim to an auto insurance if you had a minor car accident but you don't have a driver's license but your car insurance its on your dad's name?

Driving without a license is a crime. If you report that you where driving your dad's care without a license, you could get yourself into trouble, and put your dad's rates though the roof. Do not call the insurance company and tell them you where driving unlicensed. If you have your permit, and where driving legally with a licensed driver, and you had an accident in your dad's car, yes, you can report it and his insurance may cover it if he has that type of policy. If anything, your dad could report that he had the accident, though that would be dishonest.

Can you have your own auto insurance policy if you live at home with your parents?

Yes, you can have your own auto insurance policy. If you are a minor though, you will need your legal gaurdian to countersign your application for insurance coverage.

Who drives a car?

Only people with a license and car insurance are legal to drive a car, though many people without a license and/or insurance drive cars daily.

How do we increase the amount on our policy for life insurance with your company?

You can opt for another policy as increase in amount of a life insurance policy is not allowed, though there is option for reduction in sum insured in few policies.

Do you need car insurance on a scooter under 49cc in georgia?

If it is allowed for road use at all you must have insurance on it. The policy you would need would be a motorcycle policy though and not car insurance.

What is a matured endowment though insurance company?

A matured endowment is a life insurance policy where the current cash value has become equal to the face amount of the policy. The policy is mature. So, the insurance company issues the insured a check for the face amount (death benefit) even though the insured is still alive.