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Yes .Contact your agent or broker and request a rider- endorsement on your policy which specifically excludes a particular family member from driving your car.This is particularily advised if you own a few cars.The insurance company will assess your family member as a primary driver even if she or her never drives the car.Most brokers conviently forget to mention this to there clients because its free income for them with no liability.The aforementioned applies in Ontario Canada.I dont know about other jurisdictions.

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Q: Can you exclude some members on your car insurance policy if they live in your house?
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Does homeowners insurance cover family members helping with remodeling house?

No, Your homeowners insurance policy is specific to the property and liabilities of the named insured(s)

Will homeowners insurance cover slab that has settled and cracked to the extent it has pulled away from the house?

It depends on the specific perils and exclusions of your policy. But generally speaking most insurance policies exclude any damaged caused by settling or earth movement.

Would my insurance cover if somelse in my house drive my car?

Yes. As long as you have obeyed the terms in your policy and you have all members of your household listed on your policy. If you have not listed all household members on your policy as drivers and have not paid the required premium for that person why would you think that the insurance company should pay the claim. You have lied to the insurance company and therefore voided your legally binding contract by means of material misrepresentation. Most likely if they find out the person will be listed as a driver and you will probably have your policy cancelled.

Can you get homeowners insurance if the owner of the house is deceased?

Yes, The Heirs can buy the policy or the Estate executor can buy a home insurance policy.

Can I transfer my Corpus Christi home insurance policy to my new house in Detroit, Michigan?

Yes is my answer, because home insurance policy can be shifted

What does homeowners insurance pay for in case of damage to your house?

Your Homeowners insurance policy will pay for damages that result from the covered perils specified on your insurance policy subject to the policy limits and any deductibles listed therein.

What is typically covered in your house insurance policy?

The typical house insurance policy covers damage to your property and personal liability coverage. Damage to your property includes fire, lightning, tornado, and hurricanes.

What if neighbor's house catch on fire then yours but your neighbor has no insurance?

If you have fire insurance on your own home you will be covered under your own policy. You don't need to worry about whether the neighbors house has insurance or not. It does not affect the coverage you have under your own policy.

What is the job performed by house insurance brokers?

The role of a house insurance broker is simple: They sell or negotiate insurance for compensation on damage to houses; or depending on the policy the contents.

What is a house policy?

a set of procedures and strategies for the service of alcohol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or an insurance policy on the fabric and or contents of a house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or a government strategy on the provision of housing.

What is House policy?

a set of procedures and strategies for the service of alcohol. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or an insurance policy on the fabric and or contents of a house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or a government strategy on the provision of housing.

Does cheap house insurance cover everything that more expensive insurance does?

You should consider the type of policy you are getting. A named peril policy covers less than an comprehensive policy does.