Yes, You can only shift it into 4 high while driving.
You can not shift to 4 low while moving.
The benefit of driving 4 wheel drive cars is that you have the option to engage or disengage the four wheel drive when you need to. Four wheel drive is great on low traction surfaces (off road, snow, etc.).
when i try to engage the wheel wheel drive it grinds i have my truck in neutral what could be the problem what am i doing wrong
To engage 4 wheel drive on the Jeep Liberty Sport simply move the handle on the center console that has the letters 4H, 2H, N, and 4L. For driving in snow 4H is the gear to use. Put the car in to 4 wheel drive while driving very slowly.
Set the 4-wheel drive shift stick all the way to the top that says 2 H and this will engage the rear wheel drive only for normal to high speed driving on smooth and level surface. Next notch down is the 4 H which will engage the allÊwheel drive for normal to high speed driving on slightly rough but level surface. Next notch down is neutral. An the last notch down is 4 L which engages all wheel drive for uphill driving on rough surface.
If it has 4-wheel drive you would see controls on the dash to engage 2-wheel high, 4-wheel high or 4-wheel low.
I have replaced the vacuum diaphragm for the 4 wheel drive. Now the 4 wheel drive works intermittenly. Why? I have replaced the vacuum diaphragm for the 4 wheel drive. Now the 4 wheel drive works intermittenly. Why?
The light that comes on when 4 wheel drive is engaged is not the service light. It is just an indicator light that comes on to let you know the 4 wheel drive is engaged. It will go off when the 4 wheel drive is disengaged.
If you have a lever, pull it into the four wheel drive position. If a switch, put in four wheel drive.
It depends. Llook at the hubs on your front wheels. Is there a knob in the center of the wheels? If so, then turn this knob to the right and you will have engaged the 4 wheel drive. If you do this; however, make sure you engage the 4 wheel drive inside the truck (if your truck has a 4 wheel drive gear shifter). On other Rangers, you have a knob on the inside of the cab. It should be somewhere on the dash. You can turn it to the right and this will engage the 4 wheel drive. Finally, when you engage the 4WD make sure the engine is cut off, so it doesn't mess up your transfer case.
Most vehicles need to be stooped and in neutral before they will engage the the 4WD in low.