No, you can't. If the strut is broken, the whole corner of the car will collapse going over a bump and could cause more damage.
Not a good idea. Play it safe and have it towed to the garage for repair.
A broken strut can cause the tire to crash into the wheel well. This can cause loss of control of the vehicle and it can cause the axle to break.
A broken strut will definitely affect your tires. They will wear quicker, and possibly off center. As for the broken strut affecting your brakes? Mainly for the fact that your car will not be performing correctly, your steering can be pulling to one side or the other, and when you brake, this can be enhanced.
NO! Very unsafe. If you are required to make an emergency maneuver, you may loose control and have an accident.
If your strut is broke you can still drive it but it makes it very unsafe and noisy every time you hit a bump it will clank and bottom out.ANS 2 -If a strut breaks it will actually change the angle of the wheel relative to the car frame, often allowing the top inner edge of the tire to rub against the strut and quickly wear out.
hydraulic fluid leaking from it, broken spring, broken/grinding bearing plate (some struts)
No, a Strut is basically a shock with a built on spring.A CV joint is the "flex" joint in a drive shaft.No, a Strut is basically a shock with a built on spring.A CV joint is the "flex" joint in a drive shaft.
I believe this is a trick question. I'm not familiar with a single model of Caravan, Town & Country, or Voyager that had leaf springs. They were all designed with coil spring and strut suspensions. If a Caravan had leaf springs it would be a bad idea to drive it with one broken, unless you want to scrape your undercarriage off on the road.
If front wheel drive, the rear strut on that side is most likely bad. Rear wheel drive it could be the shock or a broken spring. If it is a spring, the corner should be a lot lower than the other side.
I have had that problem on my 1994 Chrysler LHS. Your strut is actually broken, the pan which holds the spring in place has poor welds and can snap. You should get a new strut.
if in front makeing turns will cause tires to wear quiker, You want have control of your auto due to bonceing all over the road unless you let off the peddle, it will losen engine mounts as so to tear the mounts completely out. Jim ASE CCT STG certified G.M tech