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Depends on the state and your insurance policy. call your local agent.
Auto insurance typically covers the car, not the driver. So, if you have insurance on your vehicle, but you drive another vehicle that doesn't have insurance, you are not protected by your policy if you have an accident in that other vehicle. However, if you have insurance on your vehicle, and you lend it to a driver (from another household) who does not have his or her own insurance, they will be covered by your policy while they are driving your car.
You can drive without Car insurance in New Hampshire. I live here. If you are hit by an uninsured driver and you have insurance then your insurance pays for your medical and car repairs. Its another way poor and non working people screw over those who go out and work everyday and pay for their way in the world. If you drive, you should have to have insurance. Its dumb.
Please think about it. It is car insurance. So you wont.While the previous answer is correct, if you want to be able to drive another persons car, either YOU need insurance, or the owner of the car must have it insured for all drivers. I only say this because growing up I knew people without cars who would drive a friends car, and they had car insurance only so they could drive their friends car.
absolutely, just be sure to buy insurance for it
Call the insurance company and have them add your name. I drove my mother around and used her car for errands for her and never worried about the insurance. I have my own coverage for my car and she had hers, so if anything had happened I was covered. Often your own private car insurance goes with you when you drive another car.
In the UK you must have insurance that covers you to drive the car in question.
A temporary car insurance can be paid on a daily basis from day 1 to day 28. One can also insure other drivers of the car and one can drive another car.
Provisional car insurance is a policy that can be purchased by a person who is learning to drive in another person's car. The insurance covers the learner driver without risking the insurance of the owner of the vehicle. Companies that offer provisional car insurance can be located through an insurance broker.
If you are going to drive a car, you should have insurance.
if you have licence, and you have permission to driver the car, then you can drive the car,but laws change from state to state,so in some countries, insurance is compulsory to drive the car