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You cannot collect any more than your actual damages.

If the other driver's insurance does not cover part of the damages and you have a better policy, your policy may pay for the remainder. You would have to discuss your specific policy with your agent to be sure.

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Q: Can you claim auto insurance both yours and the other person?
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can I get a women attorney who specialized in homeowners insurance claim ?

The closest you will come is an attorney who specializes in insurance and the choice of gender is yours.

What should you do if your car is hit by someone who has the same insurance company as you do?

It makes no difference. It is still a valid claim, regardless if the other driver has the same insurance as yours. The same laws and regulations apply.

Whose auto insurance will cover car damage if I driving another person's car?

If the other driver is 100% at fault his will. If you are at fault both yours and the owner's car insurance are potentially on the hook, yours for driving negligently, the owner's for negligence in entrusting their vehicle to a negligent driver, among other things.

Do less depreciation amount from a claim of disaster is yours to keep?

Now try in proper English. The deductible is not a payment. That is in essence what you pay before the insurance co pays. In other words, if the loss is $1000 and you have a deductible of $300 you will only get a claim check for $700

You were rear ended Car A was totaled Mine had no damage you didnt claim it on your insurance what will happen?

If you do not feel like it is worth your time and resources to drive your car into their assessment shop, then you are by no means obligated to make a claim on your insurance, even if the other person was severely injured. Why? Because in a rear end accident, it's car A's fault, and unless you backed up into him (your fault) or someone slid him into you (which wouldn't be your fault, but whoever hit him from behind) then it will remain that way. And the best news, if the driver of A was injured, his insurance will be paying the bill, NOT YOURS. In other words, don't worry about it.

Is pain and suffering covered by auto insurance?

yes but not yours the other parties

Can you file a claim on both insurance companies yours and the party at fault in an auto accident?

Yes, you can. However, ultimately it is the at fault party's insurance company that will pay for the claim. In such a case, you will file a claim under your collision coverage and be subjected to the deductible. Once the claim is settled, your company will subrogate the loss with the other company(i.e. get reimbursed). Once that happens, you will be provided your deductible back. If you go through the at fault party's policy, you would file the claim under the property damage of the policy.

Life insurance claim?

What is an Insurance Claim?An Insurance Claim is an act wherein, a person who is insured or a person who is the next of kin to the insured contacts the insurance company to get some money due them.For ex:1. In case you had a serious health condition due to which, you were hospitalized and had to spend 1.5 lakhs of rupees from your pocket. But, the good news is, you have a health insurance policy, so you can claim the expenses from the insurance company. So, you will fill up a form and submit all documents for the medical expenses to the insurance company. The company will process your claim and settle you the money you spent in the hospital.2. In case a colleague of yours died in an accident and left his wife and child behind, you will feel sorry for the family. The good news here again is, your company has a group life insurance policy and he is insured for Rs. 50 lakhs, just like you and your other colleagues. So, you call up the wife and explain her the same. She contacts the insurance company, fills up forms and submits proof of death of her husband. The insurance company validates the documents and releases the payment of 50 lakhs to her, which she can use to educate her child and take care of herself until her child grows up.

You were in an accident which was not your fault but you did not have car insurance are you liable for this accident?

If it wasnt your fault, then the person who was at fault is liable. I would suggest working something out between the two of you, since you could have your liscense suspended if caught without insurance. II: You wish it was that easy! It is illegal to operate a vehicle without insurance coverage. The minute the other driver's insurance co. finds out that you were not insured, the claim becomes 50/50 and very hard to fight. You pay for yours and they pay for thiers. That's all.

Can another person not on your insurance drive your vehicle?

Most of the time they will be covered by either yours or their insurance if it's not a common practice. If I drive a siblings car here in IL, I'm covered by my insurance, but I'm not exactly supposed to be doing it daily. Call your insurance and pose the question. yes but in case of accident/if the other person drive/ your isurance does not pay.

Is there a statute of limitations to file a claim for auto theft in Arizona?

There is no law or statute of limitations for filing insurance claims. The limits are set by the insurance policy, so read yours and see what the time limits are.

If you claim with their insurance do you have to claim with yours?

Your policy will have wording like, 'you must promptyly report ALL claims/accidents' it's a good idea to let your company know in case something goes wrong with the claim, comparative negligence assessed against you etc.