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Q: Can you buy full coverage car insurance without liability?
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Does liability insurance cover passengers?

no, full coverage does

What is the difference between full coverage auto insurance and liability only insurance?

Full coverage auto insurance covers everything. If the car is totaled they will will replace it. Liability auto insurance will only cover medical bills, and not the car if it is totaled.

If you upgrade from liability auto insurance to full coverage how long before it goes into effect?

if you upgrade from liability to full coverage how long till it takes affect

Do you need full coverage insurance on a vehicle in order to have a cracked windshield replaced or will liability and PIP insurance cover it?

Full coverage, minus the deductible.

Do you have to purchase full coverage auto insurance in Illinois if your vehicle is paid for?

You do not have to purchase full coverage auto insurance in Illinois if your vehicle is paid for. You do still need Bodily Injury Liability, Property Damage Liability, and Uninsured Motorist coverage.

Do car insurance Nebraska laws require me to have full coverage insurance?

In Nebraska, you're actually not required to have full coverage. You'll only need to have minimum liability insurance.

Can you get full coverage insurance on a salvage title car in Louisiana?

My insurance provider, Hanover, told me that they would only write liability coverage, and not full coverage on my truck that was flooded and totaled in New Orleans.

Do I Need Full Car Insurance In Colorado?

If the car is paid off, then only liability insurance is needed. If it is not, then you will need a full insurance coverage plan.

If a borrowed automobile only has liability coverage will full coverage pick up and pay for the damage?

If it only has liability, then it can't get full coverage benefits. If the driver has full coverage auto insurance, it may pick it up for the vehicle he's driving, but that tends to be rare.

Do you have to have full coverage on each vehicle you have or is it enough to have it on one and liability on the others and be fully covered?

You'll be fully covered only on the vehicles for which you choose to place full coverage insurance. The others will only be covered for liability losses if you only buy liability coverage for them.

Can you have liability only car insurance in Michigan?

In state of Michigan, you can only have liability coverage if your car is paid off. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a full coverage policy.

If you have SR22 do you have full coverage?

Auto InsuranceIts just Auto Insurance. If You buy full coverage you will have it or you can just buy liability. The SR22 certificate is not your car Insurance. It's just a form giving proof that you have Insurance. It's up to you if you want to buy Full Coverage or not.