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Yes, it is possible to insure an individual and not just a vehicle.

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Q: Can you be insured to drive anyones vehicle My daughter tells me that she can drive anyones vehicle and she is covered.?
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Is it okay for your daughter in college to have her car titled in her name but be covered by insurance under her parents name?

In most states it's not legal. The vehicle must be insured by the owner.

Is an insured driver covered in an uninsured vehicle?

No direct answer, as this all depends of the level of cover of the insured driver.

Where is insured motorcycle covered for theft?

Comprehensive covers your vehicle for theft.

If i am insured and drive a vehicle belonging to someone that is not insured am i covered through my policy?

No. * i say Depends on your policy. Call your insurance person.

If your daughter who lives with you is licensed and uses your insured car and gets into an accident will she be insured in PhiladelphiaPa?

Yes if she is not specifically excluded from the policy (you would have had to complete a form akin to the 'named driver exclusion'). The insurance follows the vehicle and anyone driving it with your permission, as long as they are not excluded, is covered.

Are you covered on a family member's car insurance?

Yes you are covered on a family members car insurance if you are driving a vehicle owned and insured by them.....

Is any licensed driver insured while driving your vehicle?

If you gave permission then it should be covered.

Uninsured driver driving insured car is he covered?

If a person is driving a car and he/she is uninsured but the vehicle in which he is driving is registered and insured to another individual, the registered owner is liable for the damages to the other pwesond's vehicle.

Can an 18 year or older driver be covered on a full covered automobile insurance?

Yes, almost anyone can be insured on any vehicle, for a price.

If a vehicle has no insurance but you have fully comprehensive cover on another vehicle is the non insured vehicle covered to be driven?

If it's your vehicle then no. You have to add the other vehicle to your policy, otherwise it is not a covered vehicle. If it's a temporary replacement vehicle then coverage may be afforded under your own auto insurance policy.

Can anyone drive insured vehicle with the insured person in the front seat?

No, All drivers must meet the definition of a covered driver under the terms of your auto insurance contract

Are passengers covered in the insured vehicle?

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