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Yes you can, Depending on where you live in Michigan. I recently got arrested a few days ago and car impounded because I didnt have car insurance. The police officer wanted to search my car so i told him no, he tried to do everything in his power to search that car, so he searched for something wrong, found out my insurance expired a month ago, then told me that I would be put in jail if I didnt let him search my car. I denied and they put me in jail over night. When I got out the next day, I went to the impound yard and by the looks of it they searched my car anyways because It was trashed and some stuff on my car was broked (cup holders,middle console,doors etc. So yeah, just be careful. In the long run, getting insurance and making sure you have it while your on the road is very important. I cannot stress that enough..

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Q: Can you be arrested for no car insurance in the State of Michigan?
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Which companies offer car insurance in Michigan?

There are about 65 different companies that offer car insurance in Michigan according to the Michigan State buyers guide. Some of the better known companies are: Met Life Car, State Farm, All State and Esurance.

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You can check what the average quot eis at

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Which insurance companies offer car insurance quotes for Michigan drivers?

Almost all the major car insurance companies offer car insurance quotes in Michigan. State Farm, Geico, American Family, Liberty Mutual and All State will offer car insurance quotes online for Michigan drivers. In addition, Michigan drivers can head to a car insurance website like and obtain a quote from all major companies at the same time and compare the options.

Does Michigan require car insurance?

The state of Michigan does require that all drivers have some car insurance. This includes either having liability or full policy coverage.

What Michigan city or zip code is charged the highest car insurance rate?

Detroit has the highest car insurance rates in the state of Michigan. On average, drivers pay 50% more for auto insurance in Detroit than in other Michigan cities.

Can you have liability only car insurance in Michigan?

In state of Michigan, you can only have liability coverage if your car is paid off. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a full coverage policy.

What is the best taxi insurance in Michigan?

Try sites like and and to find insurance rates for taxis by state.

Which companies have car insurance quotes for drivers in Michigan?

Pretty much all the major car insurance companies provide online quotes for the state of Michigan. Just go directly to the company's website and put in the zip code for your local state and city.

Which companies offer accurate car insurance quotes for Massachusetts drivers?

A great place to compare car insurance rates in the state of Michigan is This website does not sell insurance so it is going to be the least biased.

Where can I find information regarding car insurance rates in Michigan?

You can go to to search for car insurance in the Michigan region.

Can I get a car insurance quote Michigan from Geico online?

Yes, Geico offers an insurance quote for Michigan on their site. There are also some facts on their site related to your state in relation to Geico.