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No. What your wanting is provided under a "Auto Warranty Program".

Your auto insurance policy is for accidental loss and damages, Not for maintenance and repairs.

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Q: Can you add engine and transmission insurance to your car insurance?
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Yes, you can add the child and the car

Can you put a engine from a car with a automatic transmission in a car with a standard transmission?

Yes, but you have to remove the automatic transmission housing, and you have to replace the Torque Converter with a standard transmission clutch that matches the type of transmission with which you are mating the engine.

Does the car engine need to be running when i add transmission fluid?

transmission can not run on empty you should add at least 80% of the total, then turn on your engine only using the key, the engine should be warm because you ran the car a little bet to soften the oil on the deposit walls, go to the dip stick and check the level, verify if full if is not turn it off and add more, repeat these steps until the level is correct