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Apparently they can my car was repo'd yesturday after being late 1 month

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Q: Can they repo your car for being 1 month behind?
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If you've been making monthly payments on your car and and you are still a month behind can they repo it?

As long as you are in default, they can repo. Try to catch up the month behind. Send $5.00-10.00, whatever.

Can your car be repossessed if you have no other vehicle and are less than a month behind?

YES. Read your contract. Does it say the lender cant repo IF you have no other vehicle? I think not. Less than a month behind??? Some lenders will repo when you get 3 days late. Any time you are in DEFAULT of the loan, the lender CAN repo. They may not, but they can.

How far do you have to be behind on a car payment before your car is repo?

2 payment

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if you are behind on payments then yes they can

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How do you get your car back from a repo when you are only 3 days late?

You pay the LENDER what you are behind and the repo fee and go get it.

If you pay half of your payment at the beginning of the month and pay the other half at the end of the month can they still repo your car?

Depending on the lender, but usually they wont Repo a car unless you are 3 months delinquent.

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I need to know how long does it take the bank to repo your car if you are 2 payments behind. Can I make arrangements to make a payment next week

How many days late on car payment before it can be repo?

The length of time that a car payment can be late without being repossessed will depend on the bank or car dealers agreements. Payments made after a month may be in jeopardy of being repossessed.

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You are making payments on your car but are behind. can they still repo your car?

Yes, they can. Consistent communication is the car-key to your vehicular retention.

If a car is repoed can they repo your new car?

If you aren't paying for that car's payments then yes. The only reason why your car should be repoed it because the payments aren't being made on it. It doesnt matter if your car is from the 1940's or if you brought the car last month, the car can be repoed if you dont pay the payment for 2 or more months (consult dealership for it's repo rules).