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Q: Can the other spouse sue the party who caused the harm for the damages due to loss of consortium?
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What does consortium mean?

1. a combination of financial institutions, capitalists, etc., for carrying into effect some financial operation requiring large resources of capital. 2. any association, partnership, or union. 3. In law . the legal right of husband and wife to companionship and conjugal intercourse with each other: In a wrongful death action the surviving spouse commonly seeks damages for loss of consortium.

Can an insurance company refuse to pay for damages caused by their client if the accident was ruled his fault by the police?

They can, but you can sue the other driver for damages.

If you are at fault for an accident does your insurance company get billed for the damages of the other person in the accident?

Yes,, That's what it's for. It pays for damages you caused to another.

What the damages of depleted ozone layer are?

The damages caused by the depletion of ozone layer are skin cancer, cataract. Other global issues like global warming, floods etc.

Is it ok for a married person to talk to your ex privately when their spouse is not present and to diguise their number during discussions they blame one onother for dumping the other?

Such forms of secrecy are not healthy for a marriage. Not only does it lead a spouse to question the intentions of the other, but it also damages trust and communication.

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is it illegal for a spouse to blackmail the other spouse

What is a consortium agreement?

Consortium agreement is a kind of agreement with different kind of eligible schools. Schools which are part of this agreement receive aid from other schools.

If in a wreck and my fault with no insurance?

If you were at fault for the accident you are responsible for the damages to the other person's car. If you are unwilling to pay they can take you to court and attach a lien to your property, garnish your wages or otherwise force you to pay for the damages you caused.

Will uninsured motorist cover damages caused if the other vehicle is stolen?

Uninsured will not cover this type of accident. Your comprehensive will cover this type of damage.

What is the difference between a consortium and syndicate?

Both terms are interchangeable. Generally, a consortium is formed for the first to transact some business such as consortium of underwriters A syndicate on the other hand is for repeated business. Two or three banks may join hand and provided syndicated loans to the industry.

How can people living in earthquake prone areas help each other to minimise the damages caused by an earthquake?

People living in earthquake prone areas can help each other by creating neighborhood emergency plans, participating in earthquake drills, ensuring buildings meet safety standards, and helping vulnerable community members prepare. Sharing information about earthquake safety and resources, such as emergency supplies and evacuation routes, can also minimize damages caused by an earthquake.

When in an accident and not at fault. Can the other party get away with not paying a claim saying it was caused by a medical condition?

NO, If they were at fault then they were at fault and are liable for the damages and injuries they caused. If a medical condition was a contributory cause of the accident, that has no effect on their legal liability.