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The report states it was who's fault? The rearender I presume? Yes, they can deny it for other reasons, (they must supply you with the exact reason a claim is denied in writing, if you don't have this request it immediately). It could be denied for a variety of reasons, such as the policy was lapsed and not in force at the time of loss, the driver was excluded, etc, they may not be denying it based on the facts of loss, but the conditon of the policy at the time of loss. If that is the case that doesn't obsolve the driver/owner from ''making you whole'' again, if you have collision coverage, your company will pay then go to them for repayment, including your deductible, if you do not have collision coverage, and they are clearly At Fault file a state report (contact your states DMV for the form), and/or file a small claims action, once you get a judgment you can file for a garnishment...If you could let me know the reason for the denial then I could be of more assistance to you. Also if you were at fault (on the report) and will let me know the reasons I could also try and help, police officers are human, and can make mistakes, (check the wrong box), and you could ask to have the report reviewed by a superior officer.

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Q: Can the insurer's insurance deny an auto accident claim if they were hit from behind but the police report states it was their fault in Alabama?
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It is not easy to qualify for disability insurance if you have a recent DUI. The logic behind this is that you are at greater risk of suffering a disability if you are injured in a car accident and you are more likely to have a car accident if you have a history of DUI. If you are asking about whether or not your employer's auto liability insurance will cover you, then the answer is "probably not" if your DUI is recent (3 years or less).

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I've got a feeling there is more to this than the question states. The answer is if you caused the accident and the police and/or insurance investigator state that you caused the accident then yes you can be at fault and liabile to pay for damages. For full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency in Gordon, Georgia and have for 22 years. I also worked as an agent for a direct writer for 3 years before that.

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you should report the accident to yours and the other drivers insurance company...typcially no matter how fast you had to stop they driver behind you must maintain a distance to be able to stop from hitting you .... thus being deemed neglient/liable/at fault for the accident

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No. Their insurance will cover the damage to their vehicle, though they will not be happy about an unlisted driver being behind the wheel having an accident. If they have no physical damage coverage it will not be repaired or replaced.

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I cannot speak directly to Missouri law as I am not located there nor familiar. However, in every state I know of, your not having the legally required insurance would not relinquish your rights to collect for actual damages involved in an accident from the party who was at fault. You will still have to deal with the fines and such for not having your insurance but that is minor, when compared to your losses.

You were involved in an accident and the dirver hit you from behind sending you into the car in front of you now that insurance company wants you to pay for the repairs what should you do?

Typically that is the way it works, They car behind who hit your car pays for your damages and the car in front that you hit will be covered by your insurance.

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Alabama is one hour behind VirginiaThe state line between Georgia and Alabama is the dividing line between Eastern and Central time, and the border is the Chattahoochee River.

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No, it's highly unlikely your insurance company would cover damages to your vehicle that occurred prior to your policy's inception (actually, I know of no insurance company that would cover prior damage, for the simple fact that you didn't pay a premium for that damage). Think of it as "you get what you pay for." Your insurance carrier would be under no obligation to pay for damages for which it didn't collect a premium. i was in and aqccident some1 hit me from behind on the 3rd at 5pm i had no insurance then at 11pm i got insurance will that insurance company help me get my car fix. when the accident was the other persons fault