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Sure ... and rightly so. The person with the car obviously knows that they are in default of not making payments and yet continue to avoid the situation and never return the car, despite being requested to do so ... these things are also spelled on (or should be) in the original loan documentation. So the lending agency had to get outside assistance in locating the vehicle - the money spent for that doesn't grow on trees, and they have every right in the world to attempt collection. It is also the borrowers responsibility to return items they have no intention of ever paying for without having to be asked to do so.

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Q: Can the bank make you pay a repo fee they had to pay for them to locate you and repo your car?
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Only if your car was lojacked by the manufacturer and the repo company have the details to locate it.

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Non-payment of loan.

How can you find out if a car is in repo?

Call the bank and ask.

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Yes, repo companies can use a cell phone tracking device to locate their car. Most to the time they have chips installed so they can track the car if it is not paid off.

Can a car place repo your car if you have made half of your payment?

Not making the entire payment is still a default on payment. You will be charged the late fee and you will need to make it right with the bank or they will start the process of repo.

Can your car be repo if you have no insurance?

The repo man will not care if your car has insurance or not. If you haven't been paying for your car, the finance company or bank will take their car back.

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What do you do when the bank tells you they will cancel your arranged payment on a car loan account?

== Arranged payments== In my experience they will repo your car, if you dont make other arrangements.

Can a repo person come into your closed garage and get the car?

NO. Have him arrested if he did that. _____ Sue the lender/bank do not waste your time with the Repo guys; they are agents of the bank so the bank is responsible for their conduct.

Where do you find someone that can repo a car for you?

They locate your car because they put a $20 GPS box on it when they sell it to you. Using a PC they can locate your car unless it's in an undergouund Parking for a large building.