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Yes, The owner of a vehicle is just as liable for an accident as the driver. Both the driver and the Vehicle owner are both jointly and severally liable for the cost of an At Fault accident.

Since you say the title is in the parents name, Then the Parents are in fact the legal owner of the vehicle as far as the state is concerned.

The at fault driver is liable because they caused the accident, The Registered Owner is liable because the owner has a responsibility to ensure that all permissive use drivers have the appropriate insurance coverage before allowing them to operate the vehicle.

Yes, If your daughter is still a minor, the legal guardian (usually the parents) can be sued under parental liability statutes even if the vehicle is not owned by the parents.

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Q: Can parents be sued for liability for a child on their auto insurance policy while a daughter drives her own car and is not living with parent and a title of her car is on her parent's name?
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Does everyone who drives a truck need truckers insurance?

Anyone who drives a truck must at least hold a liability insurance policy to cover injuries and damages. Additional policies are not required, but can be beneficial to the driver.

Will your insurance cover your married daughter who drives your car?

Yes, as long as you add her as a regular driver on your insurance policy.

What are the benefits and risks of commercial liability insurance?

Yes, if a lot of people drive the vehicle, you need insurance to cover everyone who drives it. Although typically the insurance goes with the person, so as long as your people are covered, the vehicle is.

If your 17 year old son drives without a license and insurance and is a wreck who is responsible?

Mainly the parents.

Does a 20 yr old son who NEVER drives a parents car need to be on the parents insurance in the state of pa?

Only the drivers need to be on the insurance, But it is good to have him on the insurance because if he gets a car and needs insurance, it will count toward experience and he will save a fortune in Money.

If your daughter is not a resident of your household but is named on your insurance how involved ar you if she drives her boyfriend's car?

I'm not sure I understand the question. If her boyfriend has insurance, then she is covered under his policy as long as she had permission to drive his car. As far as your liability if she has an accident, it all depends on the extent of the accident and if a law auit is filed for more than her boyfriend's policy limit. Then there could be potential to attack your insurance policy which names her as a driver.

When someone drives your vehicle and has an accident who's insurance is responsible in the state of Texas?

Usually it is the driver, there may be some liability if the car was in a state of disrepair or he was acting on your instructions.

Which of these sentences describes liability automobile insurance coverage?

Auto liability insurance is a type of car insurance that covers the policyholder in the event that they cause an accident and are found to be at fault. It provides financial protection for the policyholder in the event that they are sued by the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Liability coverage typically includes two types of coverage: bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Bodily injury liability covers the medical expenses of the other driver(s) and any passengers in their vehicle. In contrast, property damage liability covers the cost of repairing or replacing any property that was damaged in the accident, such as another vehicle or a fence.

Do you need extra coverage for your daughter who lives with her mother?

If she ever stays with you or drives your vehicles you need to let your insurance company know about her so that you have coverage.

If a child has insurance on one of the parents cars but drives the other parents car is she still insured?

No, the child needs to drive the other car. No, the child needs to drive the other car.

Can someone who drives with no insurance drive with someone who has insurance?
