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I'm not sure I completely understand your question but I hope this helps. Firstly, you have to purchase insurance in the state where you reside. If you move from Georgia to North Carolina for instance your Georgia insurance policy will meet the minimum requirements for NC but when the policy comes up for renewal it will be non-renewed and you will have to purchase insurance in NC. Most likely the premium will be increased on the GA policy due to you living in a state where they do not normally do business. Using our example, most insurance companies will sell you a policy in NC if you recently moved there with your GA license for a period of time but expect you to change it over within a reasonable time.

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Q: Can i get auto insurance with out of state license with nc auto insurance?
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Their is no transfer you will have to start a new business in NC, you will have to contact NC department of revenue and go through their process and requirements for obtaining a dealers license. You can only transfer locations in your own state not state to state.

Can a ticket in NC affect your VA license?

Yes, it can affect your Virginia license. And it can affect your insurance rates as well.

What will happen to your insurance if you got a speeding ticket in NY but you have a NC drivers license?

if ny reports it to nc it will. NC cooperates with almost all the states.

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If your primary residence is in NC, you should hold a NC driver's license.

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Most likely it will affect both.

Do you need to carry auto insurance on your 18 year old if he has his own policy on his own vehicle in the state of NC?

Generally an 18 year old is an adult and it his their responsibility to carry insurance on his own vehicle.

When a car is titled in NC in dads name who doesn't drive could insurance be in the sons name who has an out of state drivers license?

Here is how you do this. Get the insurance in the name of the owner and list the people or person who drives the car as a driver. Usually the driver can have a driver's license from another state and or live in another state. Some insurance companies will allow someone to insure a vehicle that they have care custody and control of regardless of who owns the vehicle.

What are the requirements to get a NC drivers license?

Proof of age and identityProof of social securityProof of residencyProof of liability insurance

Is it legal in NC to purchase car insurance with expired license?

No, it is generally not legal to purchase car insurance with an expired license in North Carolina. Insurance companies typically require a valid license in order to provide coverage. It's important to renew your license before obtaining car insurance.

If you have a NC license and get a speeding ticket in Wytheville Va does the points go against you and does your insurance go up?

States routinely share information about traffic violations. Your ticket will be reported in NC and you will like get points and an increase in your insurance.

Does a seat belt ticket affect your auto insurance in NC?

Yes, it will most likely raise your medical coverages.

Why would one have points on his insurance but none on his license in North Carolina and how do points come off of insurance?

In North Carolina it is a 3 year turn around. I live in NC and have had no point on my license but had 3 point on my insurance. It come off after 3 years.