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Q: Can i be a named driver on my sisters car insurance if i am a the policy holder on my own car?
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Related questions

Can a named insured be an excluded driver on an automobile liability policy in New Mexico?

A named insured person can be an excluded driver on an automobile liability policy in New Mexico, if the policy holder wishes to remove a driver from the policy. The policy holder will have to notify the insurance company to make the changes.

Who is the person that is the holder an insurance policy?

policy holder

What is the name of the holder of an insurance policy?

is it a policy holder?

Who is responsible for a accidents costs the owner of the car or driver?

the accident is cover by insurance if the driver did not have insurance but the owner dose then it should cover for uninsured motorist if the driver was not a excluded driver of the vehicle a excluded driver is like a relative that lives the the policy holder but is not on the policy as a driver

What is the executor on a life insurance policy?

The Policy Holder of a life insurance policy is the executor of the said policy.

How do you find a life insurance policy after the death of policy holder?


If you own the car and have your 19-year-old on your insurance policy but list him as the primary driver and he gets in an accident could you be sued for damages insurance didn't cover?

Is he really the primary driver? Who's name is the policy under? Generally being the holder of a policy makes YOU the primary. Check with your company.

The holder of the insurance policy is called the?

The holder is the owner, In the case of Life Insurance , the person paid is the beneficiary .

What is the holder of an insurance policy called?


Person who is the holder of an insurance policy?

The person can be called Policy Holder,Insured, Life Assured as the case may be.

If someone is listed as a driver on the insurance policy can they be accused of stealing the car?

Yes. Being on the insurance doesn't make someone the car's owner. Only the deed holder or the lien holder can be classified as the owner and can claim that the car is stolen. yes

Is permanent life insurance the same as whole life insurance?

Technically, there is no insurance policy called as permanent life insurance. However, you can treat whole life insurance policy as permanent since the policy covered the whole life span of the policy holder and benefit is payable to nominee in the event of any eventuality of the policy holder.