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Q: Can enterprise report car stolen if you don't return it?
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The risk you run in this situation is that the owner will report the car stolen. The owner would be within their rights to assume the car was stolen and proceed as such.

Can a car dealer report your car stolen if you default on your payments?

yes they can rejester if your car is stolen or not. please dont try that but

If your car is up for repo but is stolen before you return your car what happens?

When your car is 'stolen", you file a stolen car report with the cops. Then your INSURANCE will pay off the loan. The lender will deal with the insurance co. and alls well. You dont have a car, but no payments either. BTW, the insurance co. HAS to be sure its stolen or they wont pay the loan off.

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report that person who did it and u need to tll zwinky about it dont ever tell anyone ur pass from Callan Coy

Can a bank report a car stolen if in default of payment?

YES, IF YOU CLAIM NOT TO KNOW WHERE IT IS. If you call the bank and say I dont know where the car is its gone, they are going to tell you to report it stolen. If you stop making payments on it then they will repossess, if there is no car to repossess then you are still responsible to pay the monthly payment car or no car If you stop paying and there is no car to repossess then they at that point can take legal action against you. I dont know if its reported stolen but take my word for it you will pay somehow.

Would enterprise pickup a rental car from a home location?

If you dont return, they will go where ever they need to go to get their car back. Expect a extra fee/fee's

Can the finance company report a car stolen if they are unable to locate it to repossess it?

As much as they would like to, NO. It wasnt in their possession to be stolen from. YOU can report it stolen. The Lender has OTHER legal options to get the car, so dont think you will slide forever. LOL NO. Only the registered owner can report the car stolen, or whomever had the vehicle in their posession. If the lender tells you this, they are only bluffing you, using scare tactics. They will say anything to you in the hopes that you do not know the law, or your rights. Most people don't. You can always call an attorney or the police to pose a question about what is legal. YES..In the state of Arizona pursuant to ARS 13-18-13 after 90 days of non payment a lien holder can report a car stolen and is a class 6 felony.

Can someone your buying a car from report it stolen even when you make your payments?

i dont think so Unless they still have the keys and someone actually stole it and if theyre liying they can still report it because they would still have it in theire name [registered] and can encouter problems with you............

Can they take you to court if they do not know where your car is to repo it?

Rigo, if YOU dont know where the car is, then it was STOLEN. Sooo, YOU need to file a stolen vehicle report with the cops. If you dont file the stolen vehicle report, them it is NOT stolen and YOU know where it is. Simple huh? Rigo, cars have not fallen off the face of the earth since 1492 when CC found the Americas. Oh yeah, to answer your question, YES, they can and will take you to court to get a JUDGEMENT for the unpaid balance. Then the fun begins. You will see the creative powers of lenders in action. good Luck. In most states creditors do have legal recourse if the debtor attempts to conceal, alter or incumber mortgaged property. If they are required to pursue these actions it will add additional expenses that you will have to pay

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Dont have it in the open