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As much as they would like to, NO. It wasnt in their possession to be stolen from. YOU can report it stolen. The Lender has OTHER legal options to get the car, so dont think you will slide forever. LOL

NO. Only the registered owner can report the car stolen, or whomever had the vehicle in their posession. If the lender tells you this, they are only bluffing you, using scare tactics. They will say anything to you in the hopes that you do not know the law, or your rights. Most people don't. You can always call an attorney or the police to pose a question about what is legal.

YES..In the state of Arizona pursuant to ARS 13-18-13 after 90 days of non payment a lien holder can report a car stolen and is a class 6 felony.

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Q: Can the finance company report a car stolen if they are unable to locate it to repossess it?
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Can an Indiana finance company report a vehicle as stolen for non payment of the loan?

First, they'll try to repossess the vehicle. If you tell the repossessors that you don't know where the vehicle is, that could give them grounds to report it stolen, although it's a little more complicated than that, and they'd likely just file a missing property report, The finance company has no interest in jailing you - they want their money, and you obviously aren't going to make any amount of money in jail that'll allow you to pay them back. They might take you to civil court.If anyone's going to try reporting a vehicle as stolen, some repossession agents have been known to do it after they've been told, "well, I don't know where the car is", as a pressure tactic. IMO, a pretty underhanded move, but I won't say I would've been above doing it when I did repossessions (although I never actually did this).