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It can if the lender gets a writ of replevin, the deputy can take it.

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Q: Can car be repossessed on locked property?
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Can your car be repossessed from your garage on private property in CA?

A car that is actually YOURS cannot be repossessed, as it's paid off. If you have a vehicle being repossessed, they're able to do this because it's actually the finance company which owns that vehicle and possesses their title. A recovery agent can, on behalf of the lienholder, go onto private property in order to recover the lienholder's property - with limitations. They cannot cross a locked gate, and they cannot enter a locked building.

Can a vehicle be repossessed from a locked garage in Texas?

The car can only be repossessed from a locked garage if the car is spotted in the garage from a window or a crack, but the repo company cannot enter the garage if the car was not visibly spotted.

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Can your car be repossessed off your personal property in North Carolina?

If it isn't locked up, yes. After the bank has finished the repo papers the car belongs to the bank. Yes they can come on your property because you gave the lender permission in the loan agreement you signed.They cannot damage your property.

Can your car be repossessed out of your driveway?

Yes, even if there is a locked gate they can reposes your vehicle.

Can a car be repossessed from private property in Georgia?


Can your car be repossessed on private property?

Yes they can. The only exception to this - Is if your yard has a locked or closed fence. If your yard is secured by a fence the "repo" men/women cannot legally enter your yard.

Do you have to insure a car that has been repossessed?

No, since the car is no longer considered "your" property.

Can the car company that repossessed your car keep your personal property in it?

No Way. Its Your Stuff !

Are you allowed to obtain your personal property from your car that was repossessed?

Yes You Are !!!!!!!!!!!!

Can they take your personal property if a used car is repossessed?


Can they do Repossession on your locked property?

can my car be repossesed from my locked back yard