A car that is actually YOURS cannot be repossessed, as it's paid off. If you have a vehicle being repossessed, they're able to do this because it's actually the finance company which owns that vehicle and possesses their title. A recovery agent can, on behalf of the lienholder, go onto private property in order to recover the lienholder's property - with limitations. They cannot cross a locked gate, and they cannot enter a locked building.
Yes ... you can see it ... anyone can see it ... it is in plain view. However, it is on private property and a warrant may be required to remove it unless it is being repossessed.
The car can only be repossessed from a locked garage if the car is spotted in the garage from a window or a crack, but the repo company cannot enter the garage if the car was not visibly spotted.
your car cannot be reposessed if it is in your own garage
No, it cant.
No, they were not trespssing in order to commit a crime. They had a lawful reason to be on your property. sorri
NO. Call a local attorney now. be prepared to show some type of proof that the car was ion the garage.
They will use any means necessary to take your car. If it won't cause property damage, then they have no problem with just opening the garage and taking it away. Whether it's legal or not, it would be their word against yours in court.
No. That would not only result in a breach of peace charge, but probably trespass and tampering with private property as well.
Yes, as long as the repossesor does not commit a breach of peace as defined by the laws of the state where the act takes place.