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Not unless they have detected and proven fraud on your part. Otherwise NO, they cannot.

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Q: Can an insurance company ask you for reimbursement seven months after a claim is settled?
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How do you use reimbursement in a sentence?

An example of a sentence using the word reimburse is, "The company reimbursed me for my travel expenses when I attended a conference." Reimburse means to repay.

How often do you have to renew your insurance?

Depending on your insurance company most policy's renew automatically every 6 months.

If the shop estimated 30 days for repair but eight months have passed should the insurance company have declared it a total loss?

8 MONTHS???!! I would think so, but 8 months is way too long. Personally I would have been on both the bodyshop's and insurance company's butt after day 31.

How long does it take for an insurance company to make a decision if the at fault party can not be reached?

Two months.

Where can I go in Texas to get some temporary insurance for six months?

Any licensed car insurance company can write a policy for you. Most companies only write car insurance policies for 6 months so that should be easy to find.

I had a hot water heater leak about two months ago now kitchen floor has gone bad what will insurance company pay for?

I had a hot water heater leak about two months ago now kitchen floor has gone bad what will insurance company pay for?

What can i do about insurance company having my car for four months and still not fixed?

Why would the insurance company have your vehicle at all? Your insurance contract states the company will repair, replace, or pay the actual cash value of your vehicle at their option. There is obviously more to this story. If you clarify, perhaps I can help you.

Have you heard of a company called Cobra Insurance in the United States?

There is no company called Cobra Insurance. What you're thinking about is COBRA insurance, which stands for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, which for most people its main usage is allowing you to basically pay your premiums for your old job's insurance when you leave the company until you get new insurance or 18 months.

How many inventory cycles in a year?

How many inventory cycles in a year depends entirely on your company policy and the policy you have agreed with your insurance company. It could be that every six months you have to conduct a stock-take (for insurance purposes). Some companies may hold a stock-take every three months - there is not hard or fast rules. Most companies take advice from their insurance company.

Does freeway insurance offer interest free for so many months?

Freeway insurance offers monthly payment plans as low as $15 per month on their insurance plans. They are an insurance broker and not an insurance company themselves.

Is insurance company still liable for medical payments even you no longer carry that insurance?

The insurance should cover an accident while it was in force. If you had insurance 2 months ago and the accident happened 2 months ago, coverages should apply. If the accident happened today and the coverage stopped 2 months ago, there should not be coverage.