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Any person who drives your vehicle should be listed as a driver on your auto insurance policy. Not only should they be listed but according to the policy terms you are required to notify the insurance company of any and all drivers and household residents. If a person has an accident while driving your vehicle and you have not listed that person as a driver you could be guilty of material misrepresentation and the claim could be denied by the insurance company. In the terms of the policy both the company and the policyholder both have requirements that they are responsible for. The policyholder is responsible for being truthful, providing answers to their questions, and paying the premiums on a timely manner. The company is responsible to pay claims that they are responsible to pay under the terms of the policy.

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Q: Can a non resident relative be listed on your personal auto insurance as a driver?
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Who is responsible for a accidents costs the owner of the car or driver?

the accident is cover by insurance if the driver did not have insurance but the owner dose then it should cover for uninsured motorist if the driver was not a excluded driver of the vehicle a excluded driver is like a relative that lives the the policy holder but is not on the policy as a driver

Do you have to add your teen to your insurance if they got their learners permit in tx?

Usually it is best to add them as a driver when they get the license. Until then you can notify your insurance company that they are a resident of the house.

How can you find cheap car insurance for a new driver?

One can find cheap car insurance for a new driver is get a family or relative to register you as the third driver especially someone who has many years of driving experience. This way you can avoid paying expensive driving insurance.

Where does money come from in wrongful death car accident?

The insurance company of the driver "at fault,' or from their personal funds if they have no insurance.

Can Person Injury Protection coverage be denied to the passenger if the driver of the vehicle was an excluded under the policy?

The passenger must first look to his or her own PIP (or no-fault) coverage for medical/wage loss/replacement services coverage. If the passenger does not have insurance then he or she looks to his or her household: does the passenger live with someone with auto insurance? If yes, then the passenger is covered by the resident relative's PIP. The driver's insured status does not dictate the passenger's status. However, if the driver is "an excluded" - I take it you mean he or she was not named on the policy as a driver - the passenger may have difficulty bringing a liability claim. Did the driver have the owner's permission to use the vehicle? If so, then he or she would be covered as a permissive user. However, if the driver was a young driver resident of a household - a kid using mom and dad's car - and the parents did not tell the insurance company there was a chance the kid would use the car - then you may run into coverage problems. Sometimes people try to save money by not listing a young driver on the policy. The insurance company can deny coverage in that instance.

If a designated driver was driving your car who is liable for an accident?

A designated driver has nothing to do with who is liable. In most states and under most personal auto insurance policies, anyone can drive your vehicle with your permission. If the person is a resident of your household, you were probably asked to list all residents when you purchased the insurance. If a resident later drives your car and has an accident, and you failed to list that resident, you will probably have a problem for material misrepresentation. If the person does not reside with you and does not drive your car on a regular or frequent basis, then thay are covered just like you, as long as you gave them permission to drive. As far as who is liable, that is sometime difficult ro ascertain. Usually police officers will ticket the at fault person. If your driver did not get a violation, this is a good sign the other driver is liable. If both drivers get a ticket, then you probably have comparative negligence, and the insurance companies will each pay a percentage of damage. I would think anyone would applaude you for being responsible enough to use a designated driver. I just hope it's not a case where that driver was a resident of your household, and you didn't disclose them when you applied for the insurance. If they moved in with you AFTER you applied for insurance, and before you renewed the policy, then see a lawyer, as you probably weren't asked about residents after you completed your application.Under the good faith cuase, your designated driver should be OK, as long as, he/she is not at fault for the accident. Check the Revised statuets in your state

Why a family member is resticted in auto insurance?

Some insurance companies will require policyholders to sign a driver exclusion for family members if you claim the individual does not drive your vehicle. If the insurance company has previously paid a claim for an unlisted driver, they may require that you list the driver on your policy or sign a driver exclusion that restricts that driver from driving your vehicle. If a resident of your household has tickets and accidents and is not rated on your policy, the company will require a driver exclusion to prevent increasing your policy if they are rated.

Is it affect to state driver license where you are resident if you do not action to traffic ticket of another state?

Yes, information is typically shared between states. And your insurance company will know about it.

Does insurance follow the driver or the automobile?

Insurance follows the driver.

If you loan your car to a friend and they wreck your car is your insurance responsible?

yes. plain and simple. you lent the car and then they are a permisable driver. As long as they are not n excluded driver or a resident in your house. It depends, if your policy is a named driver & the driver is not named, your policy will not respond. If your policy is a standard auto policy then yes, your policy will respond.

Where can I find information on new driver insurance?

You can get information related to young driver insurance at compare market insurance.

Can your parent have non driver's insurance but have their teen as a driver on their insurance?

As long as you have auto insurance yes.