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Yes, if those who control the dead borrower's estate do not continue to make the payments. The lender has a lien on the car, no matter who owns it.

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Q: Can a lender repo a car if the borrower dies?
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A lender filed at court to repo your car but since the account has been made current with 20 payments left will they withdraw the motion do they want the car or the money?

In most cases they want the money. The car's value if resold and the borrower's ability to pay any deficit could play a part in their decision. If the borrower can convince the lender they can fulfill the agreement, the lender will more than likely withdraw the filing.

In Pennsylvania if you lease a car and voluntarily repo it can they attempt to make you pay balances?

Yes, voluntarily relinquishing a vehicle does not relieve the borrower from the original contract obligations. The lender/leaser can sue the borrower for the amount still owed on the contract and any applicable fees.

If lender mistakenly signs over auto title to borrower and borrower sales title who is libel?

A borrower should not have a title in their possession that they have borrowed money against. This belongs with the lender. Should the borrower sell the car, they would be libel.

Can a person turn back in a car that they bought a week ago and not be considered a repo?

Considering that the LENDER will be the one to report it as a "repo", wouldn't it be best the discuss it with the LENDER?

Can you sell the car before they repo it if they are alraedy saying that they want to repo it?

No, the car has a lien on it. You cannot legally sell without a lien release from the lender. Be careful, you will get into serious trouble trying this. You can sell the car if the lender agrees but if they are trying to repo it i doubt they would agree to a sale at this point.

How do you get your car back from a repo when you are only 3 days late?

You pay the LENDER what you are behind and the repo fee and go get it.

Can a car dealership repo your car if you already have a lender for the vehicle?

The DEALERSHIP won't repossess the car, but the lender might if you don't make the monthly payments as scheduled.

In Michigan can the lender garnishe your wages for a repo car?

If they have a judgment against you, yes.

Where would they take a repo vehicle if your lender is in va and you live in ms?

It all varies by your state laws. but normally the lender will search for repo and towing companies in the area where they think you are and they search for you and come and tow your car to a tow company or repo company lot, then they contact your lender, so you need to contact your lender to arrange payment or to get your stuff out of your car. Hope This helps Adam OUT

Are they allowed to drive your car during a repo Are they allowed to have keys to your car?

It isn't YOUR car until you have paid the lender.

If a repo has been placed on your car but you pay for the car before they pick it up can they still pick it up?

Contact the lender they are the ones who call off the repo.

Can a lender still repossess your car after a lawyer told you to tell them that you were claiming bankruptcy?

The lender has to get the STAY lifted before they can repo.