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Yes, voluntarily relinquishing a vehicle does not relieve the borrower from the original contract obligations. The lender/leaser can sue the borrower for the amount still owed on the contract and any applicable fees.

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Q: In Pennsylvania if you lease a car and voluntarily repo it can they attempt to make you pay balances?
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Is a written notification for a termination of a lease required in Pennsylvania and if so how many days do you have?

read your lease contract!

If one person signed another person name on a lease is that lease still valid?

Probably not. But, if this was an attempt by the signer to create a loophole for getting out of the lease later, a judge might hold the person to it.

Can a car get towed from a private parking lot in a condo complex for expired tags?

it depends on the managment rules or policys. The correct answer is look at the lease you signed. That lease is a contract. WHAT DOES YOUR LEASE SAY ?????? (my answer rests on the assumption that you are a tenant and have a lease; if you are not a tenant, you do not have a lease, therefore you are parked on private property and have voluntarily (knowingly or not) subjected yourself and your vehicle to whatever rules or policies exist upon that property)

If a PC has a DHCP lease of one day how long in minutes after obtaining that lease will this workstation attempt to renew it?

DHCP will request a refresh at the half-life of the lease time. So, in your case, 12 * 60 mins, or 720 minutes.

What happens if you default on a vehicle lease agreement?

What typically happens is that the party financing the lease will repossess the vehicle. The vehicle will typically be sold and the party financing the lease will attempt to collect the balance remaining under the lease either through a collection agency or through formal legal action.

What is the difference between forfeiture and surrender of lease?

Forfeiture of lease occurs when a tenant breaches the terms of the lease, leading to the landlord terminating the lease and repossessing the property. Surrender of lease is when the tenant voluntarily terminates the lease agreement before its expiration date. Surrender is typically done with the agreement of both the landlord and tenant.

What is the purpose of lease obtained?

The purpose of the Lease Obtained is to give you a "Temporary" IP Address that will change when the lease Expired date comes close. EX: (Lease Obtained: Sunday October 18, 2012 at 12:30:15 PM / Lease Expires: Friday November 12, 2012 at 10:45:55 AM) "The client starts to renew a lease when half of the lease time has passed. For example, for a 24 hour lease, the client will attempt to renew the lease after 12 hours. The client requests the renewal by sending a DHCPREQUEST message to the server. The renewal request contains the current IP address and configuration information of the client."

How do you I remove a trespasser from a vacant home in Pennsylvania. I purchased a property and 3 days later someone moved into my vacant home. When police came those people showed some fake lease and?

You have to do an eviction if lease stood up to scrutiny

What is the default period of time after which a dhcp client attempts to RENEW ITS IP?

8 days Above answer is not exactly correct. The default period of time (T1) is 1/2 the time of the original DHCP lease time. So if you have a lease time of 2 days then the first attempt to renew the lease will be in 1 day.

Are you required to give thirty days notice before you move if you are renting in Pennsylvania without a lease?

Not really 30-days, but a full rental period.

If I voluntarily break my lease but someone else wants to move in am I required to pay a fee or the remaining time on the lease agreement.?

It is going to depend on the management company. However, they will have to put in the same amount of time cleaning and making the apartment ready for the next person. So, you will pay at least a penalty for leaving early. Again, whether they are going to require payment for the remaining months depends on your lease and on their willingness to work with you.

Can a landlord just tell you to vacate if your lease is up in Pennsylvania?

You bet they can. Some leases have language in them that say they automatically renew for another year, and other leases contain language that says they turn into a month-to-month lease. Your landlord would have to evict you if they wanted you out if the lease contains either of those clauses. Barring that, at the end of your one year lease, you have no title to that apartment if the landlord chooses not to renew your lease. No landlord in PA is specially obligated to renew any lease. If you've been a good tenant, they probably will, but if you've been a pain to deal with, they're probably not going to renew you and they'll try their luck with another tenant.