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There are legitimate reasons why an insurance company would deny a claim. If you were in the accident as the result of an illegal act for instance, you had no license or a suspended license, etc.

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Q: Can a insurance company not pay the claim on a auto accident and the passenger died?
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Does the insurance agent submit the auto accident claim to the insurance company or do I ?

It is up to the driver to subit the auto accident claim. You should submit the claim as soon as possible after the accident.

What is the first step for filing a motor accident claim?

The first step for filling a motor accident claim is contacting your insurance company. The other person in the accident also needs to contact their insurance company.

If you change insurance companies after an accident does the prior insurance company still have to handle the claim?


How do you file a insurance claim against the party that was at fault in an accident that occurred in a parking lot Without involving my insurance company.?

Just file a claim with the other parties insurance company. You called the police and got an accident report, right?

Can you lose your no claims bonus if the insurance company knows you have an accident but don't claim?

If they know about the accident, there should be a claim involved so it could.

Does a passenger in a car accident have to file a claim with their own insurance company?

When a passenger is injured in an automobile accident, and the driver of the automobile of which he/she is the passenger of, is "at Fault" for the accident, the passenger of that vehicle has the legal right to file a claim against that drivers insurance carrier. If on the other hand, the driver of the other vehicle is "at fault", then the passenger of vehicle that is "not at fault", has the legal right to file a claim against the other driver's insurance carrier. And whenever there are injuries sustained in an automobile accident, you should contact personal injury attorney or law firm to represent you against the filing of your claim against any insurance carrier. "At fault" accidents are not final just because a citation has been issued. When a carrier receives a claim against their company, they will launch their own investigation of the cause of accident, and review the police report, and speak with any independent and passenger witnesses who can provide statements concerning how the accident happened.At the end of the carrier's investigation, which will also include, taking pictures of both of the vehicles damages, will compile all of the information they get, to try to determine at that point, who was at fault. If their insured is determined to be at fault, the carrier will pay the claim for which the passenger has filed against them. If the carrier determines that the other driver was at fault, then the carrier will not pay the claim and deny liability. If this happens, the passengers legal representatives will automatically withdraw their lawsuit filed on your behalf, and file the lawsuit against the other drivers insurance carrier.I was in a one car accident where the car ran off the road to avoid hitting something. I was the passenger of the car. If my medical insurance from my job pay for the my hospital bills is the insurance company intitle to pay me back the money even though my insurance covered itIn the UK - the passenger would make a claim against the driver at fault. This driver would pass the details to his insurer who would indemnify him for the claim made against him. A passenger could not make a claim against his own insurer. To see the process for making a claim in the UK see the related link entitled "motor vehicle accident".

If my nephew is driving my company truck and has an accident do I file the claim on my insurance or the nephew?


If im speeding and have an accident will my insurance company pay?

Yes, the insurance company will pay, but they might drop you when they finish processing the claim.

What if the driver at fault will not call their insurance company to report the accident?

If the other party is refusing to call their insurance company - then you should call their insurance company and file the claim.

How long pay insurance premium to Insurance Company after truck accident?

You will continue to pay insurance premium to renew the policy,irrespective of the claim to be submitted after truck accident.

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If your auto is hit the other driver's auto insurance pays all medical expenses and so does your health insurance must you reimburse your company?

You do not have to reimburse your insurance company if the accident is the fault of the other driver and the claim is made on their insurance. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and their insurance does not cover everything and you make a claim on your insurance for reimbursement, your insurance will subrogate (collect back) from the other company.