Yes, any resident of the household should be added to the policy.
Yes, you can add your grandson to your car insurance policy. Speak to your insurance broker.
The insurance should be in the name of the grandparents with the grandson listed as the primary driver of that vehicle. If all parties live in the same state this should be easy if they don't, well then that complicates things somewhat. For instance I own a vehicle that my Father-in-law keeps at his place and he is the primary driver. The vehicle is insured on my policy and he is listed on my policy as the primary driver. Doing this way keeps the state happy and the insurance company has full disclosure of all drivers. I would also have the grandparents write a letter giving the grandson full permission to use the vehicle. This should keep the police from thinking the kid stole the car especially if the last names are different.
Tell your grandparents, it's their insurance policy Then, apologize for lying to them and being a knucklehead
Yes, it is possible to be added to your parent's car insurance, but there may be an extra premium to be payed.
Yes, you can. List him as a driver.
Yes, If someone will be driving the car, it is recommended to add inform your insurance company and have them added to the policy.
It is very difficult and expensive for a teenager to get car insurance. The easiest way to get it is to be put on your parents' insurance and pay them the added insurance cost out of your wages.
No!! Just be added to their policy
can I let my grandson drive my car on L plates
If you are needing to purchase car insurance for a teenager, it is best to call your current insurance company and have the teenager added on to your current policy.
In the United States, anyone who is able to get a driver's license can get car insurance. The driver's license holder must be have insurance in their own name, or they can be added to a primary driver's insurance.
I don't see why not. The policy is in the name of the Grandparent and the Grandson is listed as the primary driver. Very easy.