Generally, a claim can be cancelled. If you do not want the insurance to pay a claim, the company will be glad not to pay it.
The claim would still be processed - as you were still insured at the time of the incident !
America's Court with Judge Ross - 2010 The Corn Claim Cancelled Photo Shoot 3-193 was released on: USA: 14 May 2013
Max George was engaged to an actress, but they cancelled it on July 2O11 due to "busy schedules" as they claim.
It will be on file with the Ins Co as a cancelled claim. If the adjuster did not put the claim in the PILR database only the Ins Co will know about it. If they did it will pop up as a reported claim for all to see. PILR = Property Insurance Loss Register
You don't _have_ to, but why wouldn't you want to take the money you've earned?
Yes, actually the largest amount of non renewals for home insurance are due to claims.
Yes, your homeowners insurance policy can be cancelled or non renewed if the insurer determines that your home or property has hazardous conditions. Especially if the homeowner has already collected on a claim and failed to make the necessary repairs.
Yes.. but make sure you have good documentation with dates on the accident reports.
Yes it is cancelled. They cancelled it after the first season.
yes it was cancelled but i dont know why