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Q: Can you still file an insurance claim on your car 16 days after your policy was cancelled if you paid it consistently for a year?
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If you cancelled a life insurance policy do you have to claim the check they sent you for what the policy was worth?

You don't _have_ to, but why wouldn't you want to take the money you've earned?

Where can you get home insurance after your policy has been cancelled due to a claim?

You will have to start calling local insurance agencies. Someone will provide you coverage and if no one will you can call your state's insurance commission and ask about an assigned risk policy.

Can a claim against your homeowners be cancelled after it has been reported?

Generally, a claim can be cancelled. If you do not want the insurance to pay a claim, the company will be glad not to pay it.

How to get car insurance reinstated?

Sometimes an insurance company will agree to reinstate a cancelled auto insurance policy if it has only been a few days since it was cancelled, if you pay the premiums which are due on the policy, and if you sign a no-loss statement saying that there has been no incident that could result in a claim of any kind since the time and date of cancellation.

Can homeowners insurance be cancelled because all sinkhole damages not repaired?

Yes, your homeowners insurance policy can be cancelled or non renewed if the insurer determines that your home or property has hazardous conditions. Especially if the homeowner has already collected on a claim and failed to make the necessary repairs.

After a claim can you still use your insurance policy?

An insurance policy should still remain valid for the remaining term following a claim providing that the claim is such that it does not require the insurer to cancel the policy. You should check with your insurer.

If your primary insurance denies a claim for failure to have a referal will your secondary insurance pay the claim?

Read your policy

What is no risk no fault insurance?

In fact, term insurance policies can be called no risk no fault insurance, as no claim is payable during the tenure of the policy and only in the event of death of the policy holder, claim is payable to the nominated person of the policy.

The Medical claim was paid after policy was cancelled insurance wants repayment from customer?

DO NOT SEND THE MONEY BACK!!! It was THEIR mistake! They "train" claim processors to assess and pay their claims, which is one of the insurance company's excuses for such high premiums (strange, but true)....if they paid the claim AFTER the insurance policy was cancelled, it only reflects poor training on the insurance company's end...OK, human error, but how is it YOUR fault? And believe you me, if you were in "error" of missing a monthly premium or not paying it in full for whatever reason, there would be no room on their end for YOUR error. I deal w/ ins. co's every day (I work for a surgeon) and you are not legally obligated to return that money!

If a rental home insurance provider wants to settle a third party injury claim can you insist they instead defend the case if there is no fault in industry code to the property where the injury happen?

No, Your Insurance contract gives the Insurance company the right to settle or defend whichever is cheaper. If the insured property owner interferes with the companies decisions you could forfeit all coverage under your policy for that claim and even get your policy cancelled.

What does medical claim mean?

A medical claim is the application for compensation against a health insurance policy or against another's liability insurance policy for the covered portion of a covered event.

What happens if your car insurance is cancelled during a pending claim?

The claim would still be processed - as you were still insured at the time of the incident !