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Yes. A car can run without an exhaust manifold. It will burn out the exhaust valves in the cylinders a lot faster than normal, but it can be done.

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Q: Can a car run without an exhaust manifold?
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If the manifold has a crack will this make it run ruff and use a lot of gas?

Do you mean intake manifold OR exhaust manifold. Need to know NEUTZ.

Will a cracked maifold make a 2001 kia sportage engine run hot?

if it is the intake manifold YES, exhaust manifold NO.

What are the symptoms of a cracked manifold?

If it's the intake manifold, the car won't run very well - if at all. The exhaust manifold will make a loud noise and you should be able to smell the fumes under the hood. Also, it will most probably make a snapping and popping noise when you decelerate.

What do you torque an exhaust manifold to on a 2002 Ford Escort?

32 foot pounds. Check them after it has been run.

How much does it cost to relpace the exhaust of a turbo car?

It depends on what parts and the yr/make/model of the vehicle. A cat back exhaust can range from $500-$1,500 (for an EVO/Porsche). If your talking complete, cat, cat-back, down pipe, exhaust manifold(excluding turbo) would run $1,400-$3,000.

On your 1985 silverado your exhaust manifold get so hot that they are glowing redhot whenever you run it for a while?

Ignition timing is off.

What is a stationary run up test for car exhaust?

A test to measure the noise level of the exhaust system.

Why should you have to replace your exhaust manifold gasket?

You have to replace the gasket because when you take the manifold off it brakes the seel and air will be sucked into the manifold and your vehicle will hardly run, and you wont be able to drive it You have to replace the gasket because when you take the manifold off it brakes the seel and air will be sucked into the manifold and your vehicle will hardly run, and you wont be able to drive it

Will an oil leak on or around the manifold cause a 1989 Cadillac ElDorado 4.5 to run rough and loud when accelerating?

no...sounds like an exhaust leak could also be a crack in the manifold

Why use double exhaust in the car?

A dual exhaust system is designed to reduce exhaust backpressure, making the engine run more efficiently.

Do electric cars give off car exhaust?

No, they dont run on gas, therefore exhaust is not giving off.

How can you turn a single exhaust car into a dual exhaust?

by having a exhaust shop weld on a y pipe then just run the dual pipes out the back