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As long as you owe them money they can take it.

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Q: Can a car be repossessed when 1 payment is left?
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Can a car be repossessed if you are two payments behind?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

When can your car be repossessed in california?

In California your car can be taken 1 second after midnight the day after your payment is due. If you do not comply with one of the requirements of the loan, things like insurance and the like, the car can be taken with out notice.

How do you find out if your car is going to be repossessed in Arizona?

If you are more than 1 payment behind rest assure it will be repossessed. The way to prevent this is to catch up on your payments ASAP. Default on the loan agreement you signed, and they will repossess the vehicle. They will then sell the vehicle and you will pay the difference in what the vehicle sells for and the balance left on the loan. They will sue you for the balance, and you will pay. Your credit will then be ruined for 7 years. Avoid this if there is any way possible. Talk to the lender and see if something can be worked out. You do not want the car repossessed.

If you already have 1 car repossessed does having a 2nd repossessed hurt your credit even more?


How many missed payments does it take for a car to legally be repossessed in Florida?

It depends on your juristiction. Most juristictions around the United States of America can legally repossess your vehicle if you're late on your payment by just 1 month.

What is the time span of a late payment until your vehicle will be repossessed in the state of North Carolina?

As many as your finance agreement specifies.

How many payments can you miss before your car will be repossessed?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle. Remember it is not your car until you pay for it. It belongs to the lender.

How do i know if my car is in danger of getting repoed?

If you have missed 1 payment, it may be in danger of being repossessed. Depends on the agreement you signed when you borrowed the money to buy your car. Read the agreement you signed. If you have missed 2 payments you can be sure repossession is a distinct possibility. If you have missed 3 payments, they are more likely than not looking for your car right now. Do not allow your car to be repossessed. Once they repossess your car they will sell it for what they can get. Usually less than it is worth. You will then be responsible for the difference in what it sells for and the balance on the loan. You may also be required to pay the repo fees. Your credit will be ruined for 7 years. Talk to the lender and work something out. They do not want to repossess your car, but you will force them to do so, if you do nothing.If you have missed 1 payment, it may be in danger of being repossessed. Depends on the agreement you signed when you borrowed the money to buy your car. Read the agreement you signed. If you have missed 2 payments you can be sure repossession is a distinct possibility. If you have missed 3 payments, they are more likely than not looking for your car right now. Do not allow your car to be repossessed. Once they repossess your car they will sell it for what they can get. Usually less than it is worth. You will then be responsible for the difference in what it sells for and the balance on the loan. You may also be required to pay the repo fees. Your credit will be ruined for 7 years. Talk to the lender and work something out. They do not want to repossess your car, but you will force them to do so, if you do nothing.

How long befor westlake financial repo?

They can for the most part legally repossess the car when you miss 1 payment. This is all spelled out in the contract you signed. In reality they will, more than likely, not start repossession proceedings if you miss 1 payment. Miss 2 payments and they for sure will. If you are having problems making the payments do not just ignore this. Contact the lender and work something out. The last thing you want to happen is get the car repossessed and ruin your credit for 7 years.

If you are two months behind on a payment can your car be repossed?

First off it is not your car. The car belongs to the lender until you pay for it. Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle.

Can your car be repossessed for 'non-payment' if your first payment has not yet come due?

Suzette, what are the details on your purchase? Such as what state? One reason for repo before ist payment due is a person didnt qualify for the financing deal offered. Maybe a small detail got left out. Or a large detail. Its obvious that dealers WANT to move cars. So they will do a LOT to make the deal go thru. For them to repo asap, theres about 2 reasons. the obvious, you didnt qualify OR they screwed up. If it's #1. oh well you tried. If #2. OH BOY, call your or any attorney. JACKPOT.

If you have a customer with two car loans one is almost paid in full and the other has been repossessed can you hold the lien in Missouri on the paid off car until the repo'd car is paid current?

they get paid 1 dollar