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It depends on your juristiction. Most juristictions around the United States of America can legally repossess your vehicle if you're late on your payment by just 1 month.

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Q: How many missed payments does it take for a car to legally be repossessed in Florida?
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How many missed mortgage payments before you get repossessed?

Its usually 3 months when the bank starts the paperwork and harrassing you to make payments

What has to happen before a creditor can have your care repossessed?

A car cannot be repossessed until the owner has missed several car payments and the owner has been notified of late payments. In most states a car can be repossessed after three months of non-payment.

Can furniture be repossessed if payment has not been made in 6 months but you start back making payments?

Yes, furniture can be repossessed if you start making payments again after 6 months, especially if the missed payments are not caught up. The creditor can refuse the payment if court proceedings are already in progress.

Can you get back a repossessed car if you pay the missed payments?

You get it back after meeting the terms of the contract. the LENDER will tell you how much it costs to get it back.

How many payments missed before foreclosure starts in Florida?

Different places can have various restrictions when it comes to foreclosure. However, in Florida you can miss 3 payments and then the foreclosure will start.

How many payments can you miss before your car will be repossessed?

Legally if you miss 1 payment you are delinquent and they can start repossession proceedings on their vehicle. Remember it is not your car until you pay for it. It belongs to the lender.

Could paying the missed payments can help get the repossessed van back?

In MOST cases, if you pay the repo fees and catch up on your payments, you can get the car back. Sometimes, however, the bank will want you to pay the entire balance.

How many days must a vehicle loan be late before it is repossessed?

They usually repossess when you miss two or three payments. They seldom repossess if you've just missed one.

If I missed five payments on a motorcycle can I pay them late and avoid repossession?

Up until the time that your motorcycle is actually repossessed, the dealer will be happy to receive your payments, even if they are late, and will allow you to keep the motorcycle. But if you wait too long the repossession will happen.

What are the debtor's obligations if Arizona chapter 7 secured interest is listed on car with intent to make payments no reaffirmation agreement is signed and car payment is missed and car repossessed?

If the lender repossessed the car while case was pending and you were protected by the automatic stay, the repossession was illegal and you should be able to get the park back by filing the proper motion with the court. If the case is over, you need to make the payments and have adequate insurance to keep the car if you did not sign a reaffirmation agreement. If they legally repossessed the vehicle and sold it, you are out of luck but you are free from paying any deficiency. Consult an Arizona attonrey to determine if the seizure was legal under the laws of your state.

How do i know if my car is in danger of getting repoed?

If you have missed 1 payment, it may be in danger of being repossessed. Depends on the agreement you signed when you borrowed the money to buy your car. Read the agreement you signed. If you have missed 2 payments you can be sure repossession is a distinct possibility. If you have missed 3 payments, they are more likely than not looking for your car right now. Do not allow your car to be repossessed. Once they repossess your car they will sell it for what they can get. Usually less than it is worth. You will then be responsible for the difference in what it sells for and the balance on the loan. You may also be required to pay the repo fees. Your credit will be ruined for 7 years. Talk to the lender and work something out. They do not want to repossess your car, but you will force them to do so, if you do nothing.If you have missed 1 payment, it may be in danger of being repossessed. Depends on the agreement you signed when you borrowed the money to buy your car. Read the agreement you signed. If you have missed 2 payments you can be sure repossession is a distinct possibility. If you have missed 3 payments, they are more likely than not looking for your car right now. Do not allow your car to be repossessed. Once they repossess your car they will sell it for what they can get. Usually less than it is worth. You will then be responsible for the difference in what it sells for and the balance on the loan. You may also be required to pay the repo fees. Your credit will be ruined for 7 years. Talk to the lender and work something out. They do not want to repossess your car, but you will force them to do so, if you do nothing.

Will your car get repossessed if you have missed payments with Black Horse for two months?

Maybe, by Fedral law your car can get repossessed if you are ONE DAY past due on your car payment. I know many repo agents and they have a saying "Support your local repo man-- miss two payments" I wouldn't hold off much longer to pay them. You should call them and try to get a deferment or two.