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A bad balancer can cause failure for more than one reason. First, an unbalanced engine can have severe vibrations set up that will cause material failure in the engine, and it will break internal parts. Second, the balancer can come apart physically outside the engine. If this happens, the loose part can cause damage all over the engine room, and if caught in a belt or pully, jam the crankshaft. I've seen this happen!

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Q: Can a bad harmonic balancer ruin your engine?
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Related questions

Can a bad harmonic balancer make a knocking noise?

A bad harmonic balancer can cause a knocking noise. The harmonic balancer doesn't actually produce the noise, but it can cause the noise in the engine.

What are the signs of a blown harmonic balancer seal?

oil leaking from the front of the engine. harmonic balancer doesnt have a seal it does however have a rubber bushing in it this is to take out the virations caused by engine running,hence the name harmonic balancer . you may however have a bad front crankshaft seal that is bad this will leak oil at bottom front of engine so if you are talking bout rubber in harmonic balancer, you will get ruff vibrations from engine when running, also can throw the timing out ANSWER you will have a MAJOR oil leak.....

What does it mean if the harmonic balancer is wobbling on a 2004 2.7L Dodge Intrepid?

Harmonic balancer is bad and will need to be replaced.

Does a harmonic balancer knock on a 305 Chevy when it goes bad?

YES it can, but the engine would vibrate and shake if it did.

Will a bad harmonic balancer cause fluctuating oil pressure?

No. The harmonic balancer does exactly what it says. It is to keep the engine from viberating. You need to install a manual oil pressure gauge and run the engine cold and hot to determine if you really have a pressure problem. Most likely you have a bad oil pressure sending unit.

If the harmonic balance is bad can you repair it or replace it?

I would contact the local parts store and replace the harmonic balancer if you think it is bad. a bad balancer can cause failure in the crankshaft bearings because of the shake.

Can a bad harmonic balancer make an intermittent squealing sound?

Yes if rubber isolator is bad

How do you fix a harmonic balancer on a 2001 Chevy impala?

There is not much you can do with a bad balancer other than replace it with a new one.

How long can you drive with a bad harmonic balancer?

Depends on how bad it is....but I wouldn't advise driving it at all. A bad harmonic balancer can distort the front end of the crank and beat the main bearings to pieces. You are looking at creating a lot more damage if you continue to drive it.

Does a harmonic balancer knock when it goes bad on a 305 Chevy?

The balancer is made of 2 pieces That have a rubber piece in the center of them that hold the balancer together. If the balancer comes apart YES it will knock / make noise and the engine would vibrate/shake. You would be able to move 1 piece of the balancer with your hand if that was the case. Check it.

1984 ford f 150 it is shaking real bad and has no power what is it?

I'm no expert but it might have something to do with engine mounts, or harmonic balancer, check your mounts first!

If the rubber gasket on the harmonic balancer is ripped up will this cause a bad knocking noise How do you replace it if need be?

Hard to say. However, if the "rubber gasket" you're talking about is the center bushing on your harmonic balancer, that could throw your Harmonic balancer out of balance. This could easily make it shake to beat the band which in turn could be the knocking noise you're hearing. I suggest you get it looked at immediatly. If that is what happened, your engine won't survive long.