heres my story. i was rear ended by a Lexus on my passenger side bumper which caused my car to veer to the left in which i was then t-boned by a Kia causing my car to crash into a water filled ditch. Since the driver of the lexus says the kia caused the accident and the kia vice versa, the state trooper did not issue any citations due to conflicting stories. with either of their insurance companies wanting to pay damages to the other two vehicles involved. the only insurance company that would repair my car was my own.... for a hefty insurance deductable... the end (moral of the story insurance companies simply do not have to payout even if a police report states that they were the responsible party)
Usually your insurance company will make that determination. The only time I can think of one insurance company working with another company to determine fault is if stories are mixed, or circumstances (such as weather, pedestrians, noise, etc) are too complex to tell initially.
Insurance companies are in the business of doing what's best for THEM. They don't care that you are having trouble because of the loss that their client caused. A lawyer can help you, or contact your own insurance company to see if they can expedite the process. If those options don't work for you, contact your state insurance commission for advice and possibly assistance. ---- Actually, one thing that CAN hold up a claim, is the fact that the claims representatives may have to investigate whom is to be held at fault. When the insured and the claimant have conflicting stories do you not deem it fair to look into both parties allegations? Or should the insurance always just pay out whatever to whomever and then have to raise premiums for many policyholders?
All myths publicly written either in the modern time or in ancient suffered with conflicting reasoning and whys. Below is a link to the myth of Orion and Artemis, which is one such strong example.
The insurance company has not authority to do what you are describing here. It sounds like you were really charged in this accident and deemed at fault and the Department of Motor Vehicles has suspended your license because you refused to pay a fine for the ticket you got in the accident. Also, the insurance company can file suit against you if you are found to be at fault and you decided not to cooperate with the investigation. If their was two stories as to who was at fault and you decided that you were right so you didn't bother to help the investigation with either company. Next, your insurance company could not fight on your behalf because you wouldn't assist them with the claim investigation. At this point, the claim would be deemed to be your fault and the rest fell into place after that. A company does not have the authority to do anything you have stated here so I don't really know what is happening. Sorry I can't help more.
They had more than four, but they had woven so many myths about the same thing because they saw it as complimentary, not conflicting, so many stories about the same event was reassuring in a religious sense. It must also be noted that so many stories about one event is to be expected of a society which existed for over two thousand years.
This is up to your insurance company. Why would you not have a police report anyway? The purpose of a police report is to get statements from all parties involved at the time of the accident before they have time to change their stories and make up facts. The police officer reports the statements and lists his/her observations and evidence at the scene to determine who is at fault in the accident or incident. Sometimes an insurance company will not require a police report in cases such as an animal collision or glass claim where it wouldn't really make any difference to have a report because there is no real fault to determine. Most of the time a police report is required and necessary.
because they believed the stories were real
Yes. Suggestions are usually made from prior experience with certain life insurance companies (as any other suggestions & referrals). I would say the the life insurance companies are mostly fair as long as you don't lie on your application. The horror stories you hear (they wouldn't pay...) usually come from some kind of untruth that is being investigated. For the most part, the life insurance companies are fair and true.
Allianz currently has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, which is the highest rating possible. There do not appear to be any websites dedicated to tales of customer service horror stories about Allianz, so they are most likely at least adequate in this department.
You need to read your insurance policy and make sure you have this coverage. Also this is not enough information to answer your question. Insurance laws are different in each state. In Georgia, if the other party is at fault then yes the other insurance company will be responsible for the rental vehicle from day one. The problem is that the insurance company will not be able to authorize this from day one. The accident must be reported to the insurance company, the company must get both sides of the story, the police report must be received by the adjuster, and any witnesses must be interviewed. You can understand that this will take time. I always recommend that clients be careful about running out to get a rental car unless absolutely necessary and if they can afford to pay for it. These are a few things that could come up: stories differ, the police report doesn't state clearly who is at fault, your vehicle must be not operable, the person's insurance cancelled, the person driving was not a driver on the other policy or was excluded. So be careful and don't put yourself on the hook for several thousand dollars until you know everything is ok which shouldn't take but a few days for the insurance company to accept liability and ok a rental reimbursement.
The newspaper company News Herald covers a range of stories. Stories and articles focus on news, sports, lifestyle, entertainment and several other features.
communities tell sacred stories because if they didnt then there wouldnt be any other stories realated to sacred stories to be told