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Sure, if your parents will want you attached to their policy, and if you are living with them.

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Q: Can a 25 year old person be on their parents' auto insurance?
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Related questions

What auto insurance companies allow 17 year olds to get their own insurance?

Almost every auto insurance company requires your parents to sign your policy or for you to be listed under theirs. There are no known insurance companies who will insure a 17 year old by themselves.

How does a 16 year old girl get auto insurance when her parent has a suspended licence?

Your parents status should have no effect on your ability to get insurance.

How can a 16-year-old get auto insurance if not through their parents or older siblings?

They can't. Minors cannot enter into contracts, insurance or otherwise.

Can a 16 year old driver get his own auto insurance policy or must he be on his parents policy if he lives in the home with them?

A 16-year-old is not legally able to contract with the insurance company unless he has been emancipated. Which leaves him to work with his parents or another adult to acquire the insurance.

How much did auto insurance cost in 1981?

In the year 1981, I paid $150 dollars a year for auto liability insurance.

Your auto insurance should be lowered if you do not have an accident or tickets for a year.?

Your auto insurance should be lowered if you do not have an accident or tickets for a year.

Can you get auto insurance if you are under age?

quote on auto insurance for my 16 year old daughter

Can a 25 year old child be on their parents auto insurance policy?

Certainly. You can insure any licensed driver you want as an operator of your vehicles.

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.

Can an eighteen year old have auto insurance?


What is the average price for auto insurance in Las Vegas?

The average auto insurance policy in Las Vegas is $2557 per year.

Does your 16 year old need auto insurance if he has motorcycle insurance?

motorcycle insurance only covers the motorcycle