You should never drive uninsured however if the car has coverage it may or may not exclude other drivers besides the owner. Look into that before you borrow it.
yes you can but if you wreck and they have insurance their car will be ok but your screwed
Jocelyn Brown.
No. Whoever's name is on the title is going to be on the registration and insurance also. You can pay for the car and title it in somebody elses name, but at that point you've given them a free car, because you have no legal rights to the vehicle at all.
This is not a state specific question. If you are given permission, then you are covered. Note: you can only drive a rental vehicle if your name is on the rental agreement.
You should get car insurance when you have your drivers license and you are regularly driving a car. With you license it is legal to drive someone else's car on a rare occasion as long as they have insurance, you will be covered. This however cannot be habit, and must not be part of a regular routine (borrowing the car every Thursday) So if you own a car, have your drivers license, or regularly drive someone elses car, you should have insurance or be put as an occasional driver on someone elses car.
an exam on your or somebody elses health im guessing
No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.
Hi, I'm 18 and with Quinn insurance, this covers me to drive someone elses vehicle on a third party basis (I requested this over the phone so doubt if it is standard). However the premiums are very steep for this small privilege, my first year of insurance on my little 1.4L car was over £3,500. With 1 year's no claims it has gone down to £2000, but still comparaitively very expensive. .
That is fraud!
um... yeah if your on your parents insurance....... i think