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Yes you can, call your agent to add him.

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Q: Can I add my brother to my auto insurance?
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Related questions

How do you add a driver to auto insurance?

By calling your insurance agent

Can your boyfriend put you on his auto insurance?

Yes, You can add any person you wish to your auto insurance policy that you want to be a covered driver in your vehicle.

Should you add a child to your auto insurance policy?

Not necessary- you only add/exclude drivers

Can you add engine and transmission insurance to your car insurance?

No. What your wanting is provided under a "Auto Warranty Program". Your auto insurance policy is for accidental loss and damages, Not for maintenance and repairs.

Do you have to add a minor to your auto insurance if they don't live at your address?


Can your father add you and your vehicle to his auto insurance?

If you are an enrolled student, of course.

Will your auto insurance cover your child?

If you add the child as a driver on the policy.

What are the requirements to add your spouce to your auto insurance policy?

It's very easy, you can call your insurance agent or your insurance companies service department and they should it add him/her right away.

Does a parent have to add their name to a title that is listed on the parents auto insurance?


Are parents required to add children to auto insurance in CA.?

No, not if they don't drive.

What are the benefits of online auto insurance?

Online auto insurance benefits include being able to pay your bill online and review your policy. You can easily add or remove a vehicle or a driver from your policy. I have used online auto insurance for a while now.

If you are listed under your boyfriend's auto policy as a driver can you add the car you own to his auto insurance coverage or does he have to own the vehicle?

If you are listed as a friver you should be covered under his insurance which means you should be able to add your vehicle as wee.