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No, your insurance will cover the occasional driver as long as they are licensed

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Q: Bought new car and need auto insurance for girlfriend to drive?
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If you have full coverage auto insurance will it cover the car if you let your girlfriend drive your car to work?

Anyone you give permission to drive your car,is covered under your insurance.

Don't have auto insurance?

Don't drive an auto.

Is it necessary for a college student to have auto insurance coverage when they do not drive?

No, Auto Insurance is required to Operate a motor vehicle on public roads, If the College student does not drive, then it is not necessary to have auto insurance nor is it necessary for them to have a drivers license.

Do you have to have insurance to purchase an auto?

You do need to have insurance to actually purchase an auto. You will however need auto insurance to drive the car off of the lot. Insurance is also required prior to registering a vehicle.

Where can you get the cheapest non-owner auto insurance in Florida?

Acceptance Auto Insurance offers cheap non-owner auto insurance in Florida. Non-owner auto insurance is designed for people who only drive occasionally.

Where can you purchase auto insurance?

Auto insurance can be bought at any major bank or insurance company. There are also cooperations. As with everything else these days you can also buy it online.

What is the bare minimum amount of auto insurance I need to be able to drive in TX?

Liability insurance is the minimum amount of auto insurance you need to be able to drive in Texas. To learn more, visit

How long do you have to get auto insurance after purchasing a car?

You must have auto insurance before you drive the car off the dealer's lot.

Can you get auto insurance without an auto?

It depends on the insurance company. There are some out there where you can get insurance on you to drive any vehicle and be covered, it is normally more expensive that way.

Do you have auto insurance if you are on someone else's insurance policy?

Answer If you have Auto Insurance and it's on your parents Insurance Plan then yes you have Insurance, but if you are on a friends Insurance Plan, I don't think you'd be covered in an accident unless that person is your girlfriend, boyfriend.

Why will insurance company not test drive my auto which is being repaired?

Insurance co. are not required to test drive any vehicle.

Do you have to have auto insurance if you have a drivers license but no car?

If you have your G2 or higher you need insurance to drive.