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No, Auto Insurance is required to Operate a motor vehicle on public roads, If the College student does not drive, then it is not necessary to have auto insurance nor is it necessary for them to have a drivers license.

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Q: Is it necessary for a college student to have auto insurance coverage when they do not drive?
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If you are looking health insurance coverage for a college student, you have several choices. You can try your current health insurance company or contact the school office to sign up for the schools insurance program.

Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?

Inexpensive car insurance for a college student can be found by having the student's insurance on the parent's policy. Some states allow for the parent to have a college student on their insurance until they graduate.

If you are a college student and covered by your step parents insurance can they take you off of it at anytime they want?

Yes, if there is not a court order mandating that the coverage be provided.

If you're a college student covered under your parent's medical insurance and you're getting married are you dropped from their coverage once married?

As soon as the insurance company gets wind that you are married they will drop you from their coverage. If you are caught using their insurance they will probably try to charge you with fraud or cancel your parents insurance.

What form do you need to keep coverage on our college student while they are still in college on our heath insurance?

Most just require a copy of the students schedule showing they are enrolled full time

What insurance companies offer health insurance for individuals?

Companies that offer health insurance for individuals depend on the country you are in. If you are in Canada you can get coverage from Blue Shield or if you're a college student from Green Shield. If you are in America you can get coverage from Medicaid.

Protect Your Child at College with Student Health Insurance?

Do you have a child that is going away to college or is currently a student at a university? If so, your child may no longer be covered under your health insurance policy. Check with your provider when your child turns 18 to see if your child is still covered under your health insurance plan, as many health care providers consider the age of 18 as an adult. If you need to purchase health care coverage for your child, ask the college if they offer student health insurance. Most colleges offer insurance to students at a very reasonable rate.

Is life insurance necessary for a student loan?

No, its not necessary. However, it would probably be a good idea to have some life insurance regardless.

What happens if parent does not report to the insurance carrier that their child is no longer a full time student?

If you have to file a claim on that child they can request that you 'prove' they are a full time student. I had to do this periodically without a claim while our daughter was in college. And if you cannot prove it that child will have no coverage.

When does medical insurance stop for a child insured by the non-custodial parent's coverage if the child is 18 but a full time college student?

as long as your child continues to be a full time student, then they are covered until they graduate. That may not be the case. Most insurance will cover a student to age 21 - 25. So if the student wants to pursue a doctorate that will take them past their cutoff date then they will be terminated. It depends on the policy.

Where can a college student go to find information on health insurance?

College students can find information regarding student health insurance on several websites, these are UHCSR, Compare Health plans, Web Crawler and E Health Insurance.

Is student health insurance offered by most colleges?

Most colleges nowadays offer students health insurance which can be incorporated into their college tuition, however, a lot of these insurance requires students to either be employed by the college or be a full-time student.