All you have to do is get it inspected at any inspection place. Must have clear title, proof of insurance, and current registration. That's it.
If you bought a car with expired inspection for the state you live in, take it back to the lot immediately. It is illegal for them to sell a vehicle with expired inspection that is for road use. They will have to have it inspected, probably at your cost.
NO unless you bought a new car
Yes, a person can get a ticket for an expired car inspection if the car is parked on public property. All they have to do is get it inspected before the court date.
yes yes.
In Mass. can you get a ticket for driving someone else's car with an expired inspection sticker?
No! Ca has NO authority to enforce an inspection requirement from TX. It can however enforce the registration, if that has expired.
Yes. But not a dealership
About $85.