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Yes, a person can get a ticket for an expired car inspection if the car is parked on public property. All they have to do is get it inspected before the court date.

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Q: Can you get a ticket for an expired car inspection if your car is parked?
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Can you get a ticket for a expired inspection in CA when your car is registered in TX?

No! Ca has NO authority to enforce an inspection requirement from TX. It can however enforce the registration, if that has expired.

Will you get a parking ticket for expired tags in California?

If your car is parked on a public street and it has expired tags, you could get a citation. I'm not sure if it's technically a "parking ticket" or not.

Can you get a ticket for expired an registration on a parked car?

Yes you can since you must register your car every year or get fined up to $2,000.

Who gets the ticket for an expired ma inspection sticker the owner or the driver?

The owner of the car gets the ticket. I just got a ticket two days ago while driving my mothers car that had an expired registration sticker. The ticket was for $50. It did however list me as the operator on the ticket.

What is the fine for an expired inspection in New York?

What is the fine for an expired inspection - I drive a company owned car - they won't fix it so it will pass. They are looking for a new car - and knowingly are making me drive this car. My question is - who gets the ticket ? me or company - and what is the ruling -- cash or cash and points ? Thank you

Parked on road no ticket moved car and parked on a different road moved car again found ticket on car for no parking on the first road can they do that?

lol that is random

What should you do if the carlot sold you a car with expired inspection sticker?

If you bought a car with expired inspection for the state you live in, take it back to the lot immediately. It is illegal for them to sell a vehicle with expired inspection that is for road use. They will have to have it inspected, probably at your cost.

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What is the penalty for having a parked car in a parking space with expired insurance and registration and what action should you take if it was towed?

Since the car wasn't in motion, expired insurance shouldn't be an issue (unless your state has a specific law dealing with this - but few do). No registration on the average will cost you $250. Your car was towed because it was parked illegally. You need to pay the ticket and the tow, or say goodbye to your vehicle.