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Yes, in fact all states require auto insurance.

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Q: Are you required by law to have car insurance in the state of Florida?
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Is PIP car insurance required in Florida?

PIP is Personal Insurance Protection and is required in the state of Florida to people who register a car in Florida. This falls under the No Fault law in Florida.

Do Florida car insurance laws require moped insurance?

In the state of Florida mope riders are not required to have Personal Injury Protection insurance. However, the state does recommend being well insured.

Is car insurance required in the state of MA?

Car insurance is required in Massachussets.

Do you need car insurance in Florida if you own a car?

In Florida, you are required to have a certain amount of personal injury protection and property damage insurance to drive.

What companies offer car insurance in Florida?

Several companies offer car insurance in Florida. Some of the more well known companies are All State Insurance, State farm Insurance and Liberty Mutual Insurance.

Is car insurance required in Colorado?

Yes, car insurance is required for all automobile drives in Colorado. It is required in every single state.

What is the penalty for driving a car without insurance in Florida?

I could be wrong, but im pretty sure its not illegal to be without car insurance in the state of Florida.

Can WV impound an out of state car for no insurance?

When you have no insurance on your vehicle, you void your registration - insurance is required by law. Yes, they can impound a car from out-of-state in that instance.

Does the state of Florida offers car insurance for unemployed people?

No. There are many private insurance companies that offer auto insurance in Florida. Are you asking for free insurance supplied by the State if you aren't working?

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person's car in the state of Florida?

The insurance will not stand if some one else was driving the car, in Florida.

Which car insurance companies offer insurance in Florida?

Florida is a major market and almost all major car insurance companies offer policies in Florida. These include Progressive, Liberty Mutual, State Farm and many others.

Do I need a used car Georgia insurance policy if my car is not running?

No, car insurance is not required in the state of Georgia for a vehicle that is not drivable.