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Most basic home insurance policies cover the perils of fire, storm, theft, and vandalism. You can get better policies also that cover many more perils, such a water, collapse, vehicle, etc.

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Q: Are insurance policies that cover perils such as fire storm theft and vandalism?
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Does car insurance cover tire vandalism?

Yes, vandalism is covered under comprehensive insurance policies. But if your deductible is too high, you may want to just pay for a replacement tire.

What is the several risk insurance?

Not sure if this is what you meant to ask but the "open perils" insurance policy covers every peril or type of damage except for what is listed in the "exclusions" section of the policy. Most perils are "named peril" policies which only cover the perils that are listed in the policy.

Will homeowners insurance cover damage to ATVs?

It depends on your policy perils and exclusions. Generally home owners policies exclude motorized vehicles. ATVs usually have their own insurance policies if you want to get them covered.

Is water damaged cover by insurance?

It depends on the covered perils of your policy. On some policies there is coverage for water damage and on some policies water is not a covered peril or it is excluded.

Does home owners insurance cover vandalism?

I beliieve it does.

Will renters insurance cover a TV that has a bullet hole?

check the covered perils on your insurance policy. Most policies won't cover it

Is high winds a covered perils under most property insurance policies?

Yes, most home insurance policies cover wind damage. Wind damage usually affects the roof of your home only and can be evidenced by missing, torn, creased, or lifted shingles.

What kind of car insurance is required in Canada?

The car insurance that is required in Canada is, well, not much. All you need (Mandatory car insurance) is just general coverage. However, there is optional collision and comprehensive cover, for covering damage to your car, and also for covering theft, vandalism and other perils.

Does homeowners insurance cover the root cause?

No. homeowners insurance covers resulting damages of the covered perils.

Does homeowners insurance cover vandalism to a visitors car in your driveway?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not coverage for automobiles.

Will homeowners insurance cover slab that has settled and cracked to the extent it has pulled away from the house?

It depends on the specific perils and exclusions of your policy. But generally speaking most insurance policies exclude any damaged caused by settling or earth movement.

Will insurance cover structural damage in your home?

Yes, but it does depend on what the cause of the structural damage was. You need to look at your schedule of covered perils. Home owners insurance policies generally provide coverage for sudden accidental losses such as Fire, Wind, Hail, Falling objects, etc. See your policy schedule for a list of covered perils.