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Q: Are fixed annuties insured
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Which fixed annuities pay the best for investments?

Fixed annuties are guaranteed to drop below a preset or fixed return on your investment. They are usually tied to the stock market. For a review of different type of annuities check out Fixed annuities that have the highest rates are the ones that will pay the most.and that have no withdraw or surrender charges. All of these factors are to be considered when looking for the best returns paid.

How is the word annuties defined?

Annuities are defined as being a set series of fixed payments over a specified period of time. Customers generally pay a premium which is then later distributed as an annuity back to the policy holder.

Which type of hospital expense policy pays a fixed amount each day that the insured is in a hospital?

A Hospital Indemnity policy pays a fixed amount each day the insured is hospitalized, unrelated to medical expenses.

How safe is your 403-B annuity with AIG?

How safe is TSA 403 (b) Fixed annuity? Is TSA 403 (b) Fixed annuity insured ?

Can an insured driver still sue me after his car was fixed by his insurance?

It is more likely you will be sued by the insured driver's insurance company. Just because the other driver had insurance, that does not exonerate you from having to pay damages if you are liable.

If you have a car that was being restored on your property and did not have it insured and a tree fell on it and damaged it will home owners cover this?

No. The car must have coverage to have its physical damage fixed.

Are indexed annuities insured?

They are not insured like with money in the bank and the FDIC. But it is safe as to the extent that the insurance company is safe and at this point probably safer than the banks and the FDIC! I strongly advise against indexed annuities at this point where you can receive 0% interest. Why not a fixed annuity that would guarantee the interest rate for a fixed period of time? Currently 6% guaranteed for 10 years.

Insured vs Insured Professional Liability?

The insured and the insured professional are one and the same.

What is it that the hartford does?

The Hartford is a financial company that provides many services. They provide auto insurance, homeowners insurance, assitance in college savings, annuties, and life insurance.

Does co-insurance refers to a fixed fee that must be paid by the patient at time of office visit?

No; this is a copayment (or "copay"). A co-insurance is a percentage that the insured is responsible for after meeting their deductible.

Are teens automatically insured to parents car?

They are insured as passengers they are not insured to drive it

Is the car insured if you just bought it?

A new car is not insured unless you insured it. You can insure a car before you pick it up, but if you don't it isn't insured.