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No one is automatically covered unless you ad them to the policy. If someone passes away with an active auto policy and a vehicle, the administrator of the estate will have the right and responsibility to take care of the policy. This person needs to contact the insurance agent and they can assist in taking care of any necessary changes that are needed. The name needs to be changed to the estate and if anyone is driving they need to be listed as drivers, and if it will be parked elsewhere the garaging address needs to be changed.

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Q: Are dependents covered on auto insurance of deceased insured parents?
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What is The different between insurer and insured?

The insured is the person or entity who is covered by the insurance policy. The insurer is the entity (insurance company)that pays to, or on behalf, of the insured for a covered loss. That which is covered by the policy is set forth in the insurance policy.

What is the difference between insured and insurer?

The insured is the person or entity who is covered by the insurance policy. The insurer is the entity (insurance company)that pays to, or on behalf, of the insured for a covered loss. That which is covered by the policy is set forth in the insurance policy.

Do you capitalize the insured?

Yes, in insurance documents, "Insured" is typically capitalized when referring to the person or entity that is covered by the insurance policy.

Is life insurance considered as the estate of the deceased?

only if there is no beneficiary named on the policy, or if the beneficiary(ies) deceased before the insured.

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Is to provide continous insurance coverage for workers and thier insured dependents when they change or loose jobs.

What is a person covered by an insurance policy?

The named insured(s).

I need to know if my car is insured?

Just call the insurance company that you paid for the insurance. They can let you know if your still covered. If you have not purchased insurance then obviously you are not insured.

What can we be insured for?

A life insurance policy can go a long way toward helping dependents who have experienced the death of a loved one. If the breadwinner of the family dies, his dependents can be left with nowhere to turn. If he has a life insurance policy, however, then his dependents will have a safety net until they can fend for themselves.

Are you covered on a family member's car insurance?

Yes you are covered on a family members car insurance if you are driving a vehicle owned and insured by them.....

Is life insurance consideredpart of the estate?

If the insurance policy owner did not specify a beneficiary or the beneficiary is deceased, then the life insurance proceeds go to the insured's estate.

If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

What is a co-insured?

Co-InsuredThe "Co-Insured" is another person or entity that is also covered under your insurance policy.