Yes. If your name is on the registration of the car, you are considered to be in control of who is allowed to drive it, therefore, you are held legally and financially responsible for everyone who drives your car. Many insurance companies do not cover drivers other than the registered owner, should an accident occur. This is why it's wise to be very, very careful of who you allow to drive your car.
Yes of course your are responsible because your are the owner of the car
generally the person who owns the car at fault involved in the accident is financially responsible. hopefully you have insurance and your friend is not excluded from your policy for some reason. if your friend is not excluded then your insurance company should pay
Returned car to car mart can i be held financially responsible?
a motorist
A Chauffeur is a person that drives a private car for someone.
If it was someone you lent your car to, then it should
the guy on the scooter is if he was at fault
When your car is repossessed from the bank, the bank will sell it, usually at an auction. You are responsible for the difference of the selling price and what you owe on the car.
Usually it is the driver, there may be some liability if the car was in a state of disrepair or he was acting on your instructions.
A person who is employed to drive a car for someone is a chauffeur.
Your insurance rate will increase.
You could be named in a law suit. It is your car and the owner is responsible for the vehicle and what it does, as well as who is operating it. It will be your insurance rates that will climb and it will cause you difficulty. Unless you gave the keys to someone who was drunk or unlicensed, you probably aren't going to jail.